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Peter Schregle 03-10-2008 03:51 AM

How to detect administrator rights under Vista
In you describe how to run Visual Build as an administrator under Vista.

How can I detect if Visual Build is run with administrator rights? I want to fail with an error, if it is run without administrator rights.


kinook 03-10-2008 07:31 AM

The simplest way would probably be to attempt something that requires admin/elevated privileges (for instance, writing to a registry key/value under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or writing to a file under C:\Program Files) and fail the build if that fails.

Another option would be to call Bill Stewart's isadmin.exe utility ( or iselevated ( from a Run Program action. Use a 'Success exit codes' field value of 1 to succeed for elevated admins and fail for unelevated admins and non-admins.

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