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Jumping to a Step/macro
Hi All,
I was wondering if there is a way to jump to a particular step in your script and execute it.? What I need to do is basically perform certain action based on out of one action, so I have created "common' steps in my scripts. I would like to use VB for this task. TIA |
Dear Sir/madam,
I am really new to Visual Build and as I said before what I am looking for is a mechanism where i could use if statement like [Psuedocode] if (step.Build = vbfailed ) then Step.Run(buildFiled) endif; The link that you sent me is certainly not self explantory, and help about that feature didnt help much in explaning. I appreciate your response. TIA |
1 Attachment(s)
See the attached sample. If the 'test' step fails to build, the 'Handle test failure' failure subroutine will be built, and the build will continue with the next project step.
http://www.visualbuild.com/Manual/stepfailure.htm http://www.visualbuild.com/Manual/failurestepstab.htm http://www.visualbuild.com/Manual/steppanes.htm |
In the script you attached I dont see "Handle test failed" defined anywhere, where is it coming from and what does it (Handle test failed) contain in terms of steps.?
Click on the Failure Steps tab or choose View | Failure Steps on the menu.
http://www.visualbuild.com/Manual/steppanes.htm |
With this being said , i would like to commend support staff for their prompt and accurate support. Thanks again. |
I am sorry but the solution that you provided does not completely solves my problem. Currently I have created Failure Steps that gets executed if a associated step in Project steps fails, but what I wanna do is perform Failure steps and then take to control to a "Specifc" step in Project step. For instance , lets say I have error message defined in Failre Steps for each step in my Main Project Steps. Now if that specific step in Main project steps fails the control goes to specific failure step and gets executed , I dont want script to stop here rather continue, if I contiue then other steps that were dependent on FAILED step would fail as well, I dont want to report this, what i want is, if a step fails, I create a error message (as defined in Failure Step macro) then transfer control to last step in Project step, perform the action (email in this case with crated text based on step failed) and exit the script. I hope I am clear on what I want to achive using Visual Build. Thanks |
Put all dependent steps in a subroutine, and mark the subroutine steps to Exit subroutine on failure.
http://www.visualbuild.com/Manual/su...callaction.htm http://www.visualbuild.com/Manual/stepfailure.htm Or, in the Failure steps, create a temporary macro (i.e., STEPS_FAILED) to indicate that steps have failed, and on all dependent top-level steps, use a conditional build rule to build only if %STEPS_FAILED% is undefined. http://www.visualbuild.com/Manual/setmacroaction.htm http://www.visualbuild.com/Manual/buildrules.htm |
So I assume there is no way in VisualBuild one could jump to a particular step within project steps? Could you please confirm this? Thanks |
That's correct.
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