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Jim 05-13-2008 08:30 AM

Web launcher
Hi... Does anyone have solution how to remake web launcher sample to make it static? For example: open web page on 1st computer, launch build, then open page on 2nd computer and see the building process. so if builder will be busy, it will be unable to start one more build process.

kinook 05-13-2008 09:14 AM

To view the build progress from another computer, provide access to the build log file on the server and navigate to/refresh that file on the client.

One way to prevent a second build from running if another already is would be to add an Exit step at the beginning of the build which builds only if

[vbld_AppIsRunning("Visual Build Professional", False)]
is true

Another option would be to exit the build if a marker file exists, and create that file at the start if it doesn't exist and delete at the end of the build.

Jim 05-14-2008 06:38 AM

Thank you very much

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