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wordmuse 06-12-2008 08:47 AM

on-import alerts

There are times I bring in a large quantity of text, either from a website, or by importing a PDF file, etc.

I would like to be able to set up a search parameter that looks for specific text - boolean style - for any new imported item.

Upon import, if the text parameters are met, then an alert would appear (reminder style) and would inform me that a newly imported item contains the specified text.

- Bal

quant 06-12-2008 02:00 PM

yes, yes, yes!!!

But do this more general, not only on import.

Basically, I'd like a reminder dialogue (+snooze) to open when a search item returns some items (at least one), and a reminder feature is ON for this search item (this would be a new attribute for search items).

This could work like you suggest, when you are importing and you'd have a search for some keywords (+ condition on date created so that it wouldn't match the existing items).

I'd use it when I learn new stuff to remind me that I need to refresh some info (based on date accessed + maybe access count), or that some other conditions for task management when you complete something, reminder could advise about the next step (this could be done with nested searches, but you need to run the search), etc ...

I know this could be quite a resource hog, so it would be nice to be able to set checking frequency or sth like that

Or maybe someone has a better suggestion?

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