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kyle 07-09-2008 01:32 PM

unchecked "recursively" not working
Hi all,

I do a get latest from source safe WITHOUT checking "Perform operation recursively on all subdirectories" checkbox but it's still getting all subdirectories. I am using visual source safe version 6. Any help would be appreciated?


kinook 07-09-2008 01:43 PM

The VBP SourceSafe action does not include the ss.exe -R flag when the recursive option is unchecked, and in our tests ss.exe does not get recursively without that flag.

You would need to contact Microsoft support regarding the issue, as it's their product (VSS/ss.exe), not VBP, that is actually performing the SourceSafe operation.

kyle 07-09-2008 03:47 PM

thanks for your quick response...this is interesting! To get around VSS problem, I have to include "-r-" (two hyphens) in the "Additional command line options". This way, it's no longer recursively getting subdirectories...looking forward to get some licenses for VBP...

kinook 07-09-2008 03:56 PM

Perhaps you have 'Tools | Options | General | Act on projects recursively' checked in the VSS Explorer.

kyle 07-09-2008 05:23 PM

Yes, I had it checked!


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