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TimP 07-15-2008 08:52 AM

Following Info-Item attribute links backwards
I have an organization tree and a list of imployees. The OrgTree items (Positions) have a form with an InfoItem-type field so I can link/point to the employee that occupies the position. Pretty neat, really: since employee item titles are their names, there they, employee names in the position forms.

But now I have a problem: is there a way to find out which position an employee occupies?

And if I link OrgTree items in the same way to product parts (this is an R&D organization), I'd have a double link to follow in both directions.

Without being able to follow links in attributes, I'd have to really complicate my trees visually by using tree linking instead of linking in form fields. Being able to follow any attribute link in either direction would be huge.

kinook 07-15-2008 10:18 AM

You could do an advanced search of


TimP 07-15-2008 12:50 PM


Originally posted by kinook
You could do an advanced search of


Yes, I thought of that, but I don't want to type names, I just want to click around. I've tried doing a listing (a search actually) of all organization items and then sorting the results by the "Incumbent" field that shows the employee name so I can just run down the names and then go to the Org item by double-clicking on the row. I suspect that the Incumbent field doesn't actually contain the name but the id of the item it points to because the sort order seems to correspond to the order in which I entered them.

Are there any other possibilities here?

kinook 07-15-2008 03:12 PM

Info Item attributes were not being sorted correctly in the Related Items pane. This is fixed in the latest download (UltraRecall.exe version in Help | About | Install Info after installing).

ashwken 07-15-2008 05:19 PM

Trying to understand...
Each Item in the OrgTree is a Position in the Organization.

From a completed OrgPosition Item, place the cursor in the OrgEmployee field (contains data from Info Item Lookup) and do a Ctrl-Q to jump to the Employee Item - if you don't leave the Employee Item won't the Back button return you from where you started.

But what if you start at an Employee Item and want to know its OrgPosition(s).

A saved Search Item as the child of the Employee - Kinook's suggestion:

(OrgEmployee) equals (choose from Lookup)

This assumes that the OrgEmployee Attribute is only used in one location (OrgTree).

Otherwise, you've got to have an OrgPosition Info Item in the Employee record - but what if an Employee is working on more than one Product (occupies more than one position in the OrgTree - is this possible?). Or what if the Employee moves to another Product (changing Poisition in the OrgTree), you have to come back and "touch" the Employee record to reflect the change.

Is the OrgTree an Intersection table between Employees and Products (Parts)?

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