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Font UR Uses for Pasting from Web
When copying text from a Web page and pasting into a Text Item, UR usually defaults to Times New Roman 12. If I remember correctly, it sometimes uses other fonts. If so, I'm guessing Times New Roman is used by UR as a default substitution font. How can I set this to another font?
My fonts in the Options menu Editor tab are set to Arial. In the Fonts tab everything is set to use Windows defaults, but nothing on this tab is relevant to fonts inside the Text Item. |
When copying from IE, IE includes text, rich text, and HTML formats on the clipboard. UR uses the rich text by default when psating into a Text item, and will use the fonts defined in the RTF provided by IE. To paste raw text (and use the default font [Tools | Options | Editor] or current font [if the item already contains text]), use Edit | Paste Special | Paste Text.
Not that I'm aware of.
kinook, I'm familiar with Paste Text (Ctrl+Shift+Paste). Use it a lot in fact. Like most, I normally use Ctrl+V (or paste button), but for some web pages I paste, notice Times New Roman, undo and then re-paste using Ctrl+Shift+Paste. This becomes tiresome after while.
I don't recall Times New Roman (TNR) as the web page display font in most of these cases. That's why I suspect TNR is set as a default substitute font somewhere (in the web page, IE, Windows or in UR). When a source font is not installed on the target machine the substitute font is used. If UR is not setting this default, it would be nice to have control over font substitution so anytime TNR (which I don't like, in case anyone hasn't noticed ;) ) is specified, I could substitute a font of my choosing. |
ashwken's question prompted me to poke around in IE Internet Options. The Fonts button reveals Times New Roman is set as the default font for webpages that do not have a specified text font. Courier New was the default for documents.
I'm changing both to something else and will see how it effects pasting into UR... |
Unfortunately, changing default fonts in Internet Options did not help. Times New Roman is still frequently used when pasting text from Web pages that are not even displayed in Times New Roman.
kinook says UR is just using RTF properties placed on the clipboard by the source app (in this case IE), so there must be another font substitution setting in IE, possibly not exposed on the UI. Oh well, maybe we'll find it someday... |
quant, I was about to go looking for sites to try and instead decided to copy (left-drag highlight then right-click copy or Ctrl+C) and paste (Ctrl+V) the text from your post into a new UR text item.
Sure enough, the pasted text is in Times New Roman 12--even though this site (kinook.com/forum) is obviously not using TNR. So I would again have to Undo, then use Ctrl+Shift+P to get Arial 10, (which, as indicated previously, is my font and size setting in UR Options for both "Default rich text editor font" and "Text document editor font" on the Editor tab. And Tahoma is my font setting for everything on the Fonts tab.). I have about 12 other tabs open to different sites, so I tried copy and paste from 6 or 7 of them and they ALL paste as Times New Roman 12. So maybe my earlier statement that this only happens "often" or "sometimes" is incorrect. It appears to happen consistently. Strange. I wonder is this happening to anyone else? |
Wow, this keeps getting stranger. I changed UR "default rich text editor font" to Calibri, closed and restarted UR. Then everything started pasting in Veranda. I decided to see what "toggling"
back to Arial would do and--presto--everything is back to pasting in Times New Roman! Something corrupted in my fonts or registry? But I don't notice this font substitution occurring in other apps... Maybe if I try Courier it will give me Ariel. [LOL] |
maybe you can try different richedit.dll, just guessing ...
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