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HippyCraig 12-24-2008 11:44 AM

Problem upgrading Script
1 Attachment(s)
I have a script that was working with version 6.7, I opend the file in version 7 and saved it. Now when I open it I get the following error.

Please note there was a custom action created in VB but I removed that and saved the script again and still I get the same error.

kinook 12-24-2008 12:01 PM

I was able to open both .bld files in v7, and also save 672.bld in v7 and reopen it. Please ZIP and send #1 and #2 from

You might also try uninstalling, re-downloading, and reinstalling v7. Thanks.

HippyCraig 12-24-2008 01:07 PM

Requested Files
1 Attachment(s)
Attached is the requested file, There is a custom user action that I created in .Net for Version 6.7 This might be the conflict, the dll that is causeing the error is the same one I attach to in the VS project. I can try uninstalling it and see if that fixes the problem.

If this is the case then I can not run both version in parralle, which is fine.

kinook 12-29-2008 08:28 AM

A user action compiled for v6 will not work with v7 (but you should get a class or interface error when building, not an error when opening the project). I was also able to open the v6 User Actions.bld sample in v7, save and reopen, and build (it did fail at the .NET Step step, as expected). You would need to recompile the user action after updating the COM reference to VBP7 to call from v7.

What exactly do you mean by "the dll that is causeing the error is the same one I attach to in the VS project"? How do you know what DLL is causing an error?

HippyCraig 12-29-2008 10:35 AM

In the screen shot of the error there is a refrence to VsBuildSvr.dll, I make a refrence to that in my project file. But I think the error occurs becuase I installed the component on this machine registering the DLL that I created and the action.

I have removed the Custom Action from the machine and I still get the same orginal Error.

I also noticed that even though the files has been saved out to thew new formate I can still open the file in version 6, is that suposed to happen?

kinook 01-07-2009 03:35 PM

This turned out to be caused by a bug in our code which in rare situations resulted in a crash when unencrypting encrypted step properties. The main download has been updated with a fix for this issue.

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