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J-Mac 03-01-2009 02:19 PM

Question About Auto-Saving URDs
Quick question: Does Ultra Recall Pro auto-save anything at a frequency of every minute? I am aware of the Editor option to auto-save RTF data and that is set for every 10 minutes.

The reason I ask is that I have a versioning utility that automatically makes a backup copy/revision every time a file is saved. (For those files that I designate to be backed up with this utility). I had placed my UR URDs in the backup library but I noticed that my main URD - which is open most of the time - was getting a revised copy saved every minute! In only two days you can imagine how many revision copies I had!

Since the versioning application (File Hamster Plus by MogWare) only creates a revised copy when the original file is saved with changes, it is apparent that something on my system is causing a change to be saved in my main URD each minute it is open. It might only be an attribute change, like the Date Accessed, but I had to remove it from the backup library because of this.

Is this something UR is doing? Or is it likely something else on my system that is affecting my URD?



$bill 03-01-2009 03:33 PM


ashwken 03-01-2009 03:54 PM


Originally posted by $bill

Not sure what happened to your link but it returns a 404 error, let's see if this works:

J-Mac 03-01-2009 03:55 PM


Originally posted by $bill

Excellent! To my rescue again $bill - very much appreciated.

I did search the forum but did not pick that up at all. I applied the reg key to disable multi-user access and placed my URDs into File Hamster again. I'll keep a closer watch on it now.

BTW, the link you posted is missing parts in the middle. Looks like the forum software shortens the link by actually removing part of it. I found the thread anyway by deducing what it should be.

Thanks again,


J-Mac 03-01-2009 03:57 PM


Originally posted by ashwken
Not sure what happened to your link but it returns a 404 error, let's see if this works:

Thanks Ken. I did find the link anyway and I must have been posting my comment while you posted.


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