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Resurgam 06-10-2009 03:52 AM

Ultra Recall 4 Beta
I've just installed the beta of version 4 but have immediately run up against the 1000 item limit which the beta imposes as virtually all my databases exceed this. I have reverted to version 3.5e as a result. Is it possible to run both versions on the same system, or will this just be storing up problems in the future?

Regards, Geoffrey

kinook 06-10-2009 06:38 AM

If you'd like to receive the beta announcement (which includes a temporary key removing the item limit), send a request to We don't recommend installing both versions at the same time. Thanks.

DonMcKenzie 06-10-2009 12:05 PM

Reporting beta issues
Is there a method to report issues found in the beta?

kinook 06-10-2009 12:17 PM

Please send all bugs reports and other feedback regarding the beta to (not on the forums).

wordmuse 06-10-2009 11:35 PM

so pleased to see dev continuing!

is the feature set frozen? or can we make suggestions still?


quant 06-11-2009 12:49 PM

is it going to be a paid update?

wocius 06-11-2009 01:44 PM

Still join beta program?
Is it still possible for me to register as a beta tester for UR 4?

kinook 06-11-2009 02:38 PM

Yes and yes. Send your request to Thanks.

Jon Polish 06-11-2009 02:38 PM

To Quant:

Yup. I think Kinook made a statement to that effect. Besides, this is a version, not a point, upgrade.

To wocius:

Kinook takes requests at (I think this is correct).


quant 06-11-2009 03:01 PM


Originally posted by Jon Polish
Yup. I think Kinook made a statement to that effect.



[i]Besides, this is a version, not a point, upgrade.
there was an unpaid update v1->v2 so it's nonconclusive
plus, as the list of new features doesn't contain anything significant (not saying they are not useful), I thought that this might be an unpaid update as well ...

I will update, but set of new features won't be the reason for that, sadly

Jon Polish 06-11-2009 04:31 PM


Originally posted by quant

there was an unpaid update v1->v2 so it's nonconclusive

From an email that I received announcing the beta series. Seems clear enough.


"Ultra Recall v4 is a major upgrade. Per our upgrade policy
(, this will be a free upgrade for
all purchases within 60 days of the final release, and upgrade pricing will
be available for current Ultra Recall customers when the final build is

wordmuse 06-12-2009 01:12 AM

knocked it out of the park!
Hi guys,

Once again, you've made me your happiest user!

I love the HTML export, the lock-and-go-tabs, and the marked text after searches. Looking forward to seeing the other cool goodies.



wordmuse 06-12-2009 01:25 AM

a (hopefully simple) request

On the HTML export, is there any way that you could make it possible for me to set the case of all links? The server that I'd like to export to, uses all lower case folder and filenames. But URP4 exports to mixed case folders and filenames.

The effect is that I'm getting 404 not found messages.

Not a big deal on a very small tree - I can manually change them. But on a large nested tree, this would get tedious.



Addendum: after a little exploration, I see that it is only inside the TOC file that I need to alter the identified paths to make them all lower case. Global search and replace can accomplish this, so it's no longer anything urgent. Still, it would be nice if I could tell URP4 to create all paths in the TOC file as lower case and to have all folders created in the export process set to lower case as well.

armsys 06-19-2009 09:24 AM


Originally posted by wordmuse
so pleased to see dev continuing!

is the feature set frozen? or can we make suggestions still?


Hi Bal,
What features do you wish to be added into UR4?

LM7 06-21-2009 12:31 AM

If the feature set isn't frozen, it would be extremely nice to have a calendar in UR 4.0 - although I suppose that this is EXTREMELY wishful thinking...

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