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abcdetech 07-09-2009 01:46 PM

How to customize the Output Directory in the Make VS2005 step?

I have a question about updating the Output Directories in the Make VS steps.

Let's say my VS projects have multiple configurations such as:

I want to build my projects in ALL configurations.
I want to have my outputs to be sorted out accordign to a configutation in which they were built:


is there a variable for Configuration? So I can specify my Output Directory as:


Does VisualBuildPro generate any variable which corresponds to a current building configuration ($Config) ? See attachment for more info.

Thank you

kinook 07-09-2009 06:06 PM

Something like


in the Output directory field on the Project/Solution tab of the Make VS.NET action should work.

abcdetech 07-31-2009 10:10 AM

thank you.

the Output directory field on the Project/Solution tab works perfectly for me, very useful feature.

I have another similar question.

How do I do a similar thing to Librarian Output File?

What I want to do, I want to replace in all .vcproj files :


In other words I want to keep developer's library file name but output into my desired location. To replace ".\debug\LibraryName.lib" with $(OutDir)\LibraryName.lib"

What is the best way to do it?

I don't see such ability in the Make VS steps. I tried the Write XML file (but it doesn't allow a replace operation)

thank you

kinook 07-31-2009 11:22 AM

1 Attachment(s)
See attached sample, and also see for more help with regular expressions.

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