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armsys 09-11-2009 09:19 PM

Automatic Clipboard Import
Can the new few feature embed the source URL?
Say, on the Kinook webpage, I press Ctrl+C to copy a portion of content. The automatic clipboard import will instant insert a new info item in URD, but it doesn't contain the source URL, does it?

kinook 09-14-2009 10:16 AM

If copied from IE 6+ or Firefox 3+ (or a browser that provides the HTML clipboard format including URL), it will (also make sure Tools | Options | Import | Prefer text/rich text formats is unchecked).

armsys 11-03-2009 04:24 AM

What's the difference between Prefer text/rich text formats being checked or unchecked?
Why should Prefer text/rich text formats be unchecked in this case?

kinook 11-03-2009 07:37 AM

If the browser puts text and/or RTF as well as HTML format on the clipboard, if the prefer text/rich text option is checked, UR will use the provided text or RTF format instead of HTML format.

armsys 11-03-2009 07:47 AM

Oh, now I fully understand the underlying reason. Now I know how to decide whether HTML or RTF content will be copied into UR text items. This isn't the kind of preference switches which can be set once for all.
Thanks a lot for your help.

kinook 11-03-2009 08:43 AM

You can also leave the option unchecked (the default) and use Edit | Paste Special | Text/RTF/HTML as desired. Also, the HTML option only applies when pasting into the tree. Text items used the MS rich edit control, which can only process RTF and text formats.

armsys 11-03-2009 11:08 AM

Thanks Kinook going one step further. Previously I've been wondering why the context menu include Rich Text and HTML respectively. That's even more flexible than setting Tools | Options | Import | Prefer text/rich text clipboard formats. Thanks a lot.


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