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armsys 09-17-2009 06:16 PM

Thank You

Thanks for creating such as wonderful product. Ultra Recall is one of most powerful and exceedingly useful products I've ever used.

Thanks again.


quant 09-18-2009 01:31 PM


armsys 09-24-2009 05:44 AM

Hi quant,
I'm shocked and saddened that only you and I praise UR's enormous contribution to our productivity. It may reflect very few users out there appreciate UR.

quant 09-24-2009 03:36 PM


Originally posted by armsys
Hi quant,
I'm shocked and saddened that only you and I praise UR's enormous contribution to our productivity.

Doesn't surprise me at all ... I was told explicitly in my job not to expect "thank you". You do your job, that's ok, you are paid to do that. The same here. People paid for UR, and that's it ...

armsys 09-24-2009 05:25 PM

Alas, your remark is insightful but saddening, reflecting the shift of social attitude in the States very different from the good old days in 70s.
But what's different here is Kinook always walking extra miles to help out UR users. That makes a huge difference.

RalphCal 09-25-2009 12:47 AM

Let me chime in also ... I LOVE this program.

I use UR at work EVERY day ... great for documentation and procedure handling. Synching my notes to the network with a simple URL entry and keystroke is a real time saver.

I don't post often but wanted you to know there are others (many I'm sure) that love this program as well.

zargron 09-25-2009 01:45 AM

Huggs & Kisses
Guilty! Great program. Thanks heaps!

J-Mac 09-28-2009 12:28 PM


Originally posted by armsys
Hi quant,
I'm shocked and saddened that only you and I praise UR's enormous contribution to our productivity. It may reflect very few users out there appreciate UR.

Hey, I'm hurt!

Though many (most?!?) of my posts here are questions or requests for advice (that probably seem pretty stupid to most long-time UR users!), I have posted a number of times praising or thanking either Kinook or the experienced users here who inevitably help and/or advise me.

Though I am certain that I don't use URP to its fullest and powerful extent - only due to my lack of knowledge as to how to use it for some things yet - Ultra Recall is the primary piece of software that I use on my computer. I learn (primarily by just doing) more and more how I can use Ultra Recall just about every single day.

Thank you again Kinook and all here in the forum - particularly quant, Ken (ashwken), and $Bill who help guide me through my ever increasing usage of URp!



LM7 09-28-2009 02:26 PM

Add me to the list of people most grateful for this superb program! (I have privately emailed Kinook about this, but let it also be stated publicly on the forum!)

teratorn 09-30-2009 01:28 PM

Well I may as well chime in and say that Ultra Recall rules! Great program, good support, responsive developers.

dasymington 10-06-2009 05:16 AM

Yes, Ultra Recall Pro is a super program. I have it open on my PC all the time and use it to organise everything I do at work and personally.

daniel 10-06-2009 12:56 PM

I too would like to express my gratitude to the people of Kinook for continuing to enhance and develop Ultra Recall Pro. Without a doubt I am more productive and effective as a result of your efforts.

I agree with others in this Forum in asserting that URP is one of most powerful and indispensable products I have ever used.

With much appreciation,

eno 10-07-2009 11:00 AM

Me too

I chose UR over other programs because it does the job and does it better than any others I have tried.

Well pleased, and well pleased customers tell others so I hope Kinook benefit from that.

One point that I do like is that while Kinook are in it to make money they do not try profiteering from unnecessary paid upgrades every year as lots of companies do.

What is good is that they add functions that customers want and are needed and I for one will gladly pay for the hard work put into the program to make it better at the frequencies they have at the moment.

mikeg 10-07-2009 08:41 PM

I've been singing Ultra Recall's praises over on Bits du Jour and other places where potential new fans are likely to be hanging out. Nevertheless, it's always nice to have a little revival for the choir!

+1 :)

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