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mhouge 04-29-2004 12:10 PM

Error in Visual Build (using Vault)
Visual Build: version 5.3
Vault: version 2.02

It appears that Visual build is using the wrong command line argument when calling get through Vault's command line client.

Specifically, I am setting a step in Visual Build to do a "get" from Vault with the flag "overwrite all files regardless of comparison status" set.

When run, I receive an error: "unknown option: -overwrite".

I selected the "show command line constructed for call" option and it output the following:

"C:\Program Files\SourceGear\Vault Client\vault.exe" -host vault -user -password -repository "" get "" -overwrite -setfiletime current -destpath ""

Looking in Vault's command line help, I was able to run the command with the following:

"C:\Program Files\SourceGear\Vault Client\vault.exe" -host vault -user -password -repository "" get "" -merge overwrite -setfiletime current -destpath ""

Where "-merge overwrite" is the correct parameter.

For a workaround I can add this as an additional command line arg in Visual Build.

Is there a patch currently available, or are there plans to fix this?


kinook 04-29-2004 01:33 PM

It appears that the Vault command-line syntax changed between v1 and v2 and the -overwrite flag [1] is no longer supported for gets.


We'll add it to our list to also support the v2 syntax in a future release. For now, as you already found, you can specify this flag in the additional options field. Thanks for the report.

dominica.degrandis 10-22-2004 04:06 PM

Vault -overwrite error
When doing a get from Vault - it doesn't get the latest version - even if the working folder is empty. Was trying to use the -overwrite option to force it, but still no worky. When will this be fixed? We could surely use it. Thanks

kinook 10-25-2004 07:26 AM

The Vault action ultimately invokes the vault.exe command-line tool to perform the command, so if it's not getting files as it should it could be a bug in Vault. You can check the 'show command-line' checkbox on the Options tab of the Vault action before building to give you more details to provide to SourceGear to investigate.

Also, for automated builds, it's more reliable to specify the path for local files (by entering it in the Vault action's 'Path for local files' field) rather than depending on the working folder. In our tests (see the Vault.bld sample) performing a get does retrieve the files to an empty folder structure in this case.

You might also want to verify that you're using the latest versions of VBP and Vault.

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