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Jon Polish 10-15-2009 03:58 PM

Export to xml
Something is amok with the xml export, or I am misunderstanding something about the process.

1. I hoist the items I want to export.
2. File | Export |Items to an XML (OML) file. (by the way, this should read items to a (not an) xml...)
3. I have only one attribute checked. It is Item Text.
4. Enter a file name. No html conversion.
5. Click finish.
6. Open the file.

Before each of my text entries, I see the following:

The text follows. I would expect only the text and the xml codes. No other attributes are checked.


kinook 10-15-2009 04:05 PM

The outline node will always include the create, modified, and text values, followed by an element for each attribute that was specified to be exported (i.e., Item Text). This follows the OML/OPML specification.

Jon Polish 10-15-2009 04:11 PM

Thank you. I did not know that.


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