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armsys 10-17-2009 04:47 AM

Full-Text Search Produces Faulty Hits
When Full-Text Search is enabled, not all hits are correct. For example, when searching "Trial de Novo", it produces items which don't contain the string.
Now I simply turn it off. It's not reliable yet.

lascasas 10-18-2009 11:26 AM

That's quite a broad statement to make without offering much evidence. It's been working well for me.

Did you search for "trial de novo" in quotes or just those three words without the quotes?

If I search without the quotes I get hits on those terms in my database because it matches trial or de or novo. Those are common terms individually.

If I search with the quotes I get no hits because I don't have any documents with exactly that phrase.

armsys 10-18-2009 05:35 PM


Originally posted by lascasas
That's quite a broad statement to make without offering much evidence. It's been working well for me.

Did you search for "trial de novo" in quotes or just those three words without the quotes?

Hi Lascasas,
Thanks for your reply. Yes, my search in question contains a pair of double quotes (""). The hits include info items which doesn't contain either of the words. I've repeated the test several times. After disabling FTS, all hits are correct.


kinook 10-19-2009 10:44 AM

armsys 10-19-2009 06:09 PM

1 Attachment(s)
The screenshot shows the fault hit under the FTS.
Version: UR Pro

kinook 10-19-2009 06:23 PM

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kinook 10-21-2009 11:03 AM

I was able to reproduce the behavior you described, but after disabling and re-enabling FTS, the problem no longer occurs. Try converting your database to FTS again and see if the problems persists. If so, please ZIP and send a copy of a problem database with FTS disabled (that still returns wrong results after enabling FTS) for our investigation. Thanks.

armsys 10-21-2009 09:38 PM

Hi Kinook,
Thanks for duplicating and confirming the anomaly.
I've tried out your suggested solution but it still includes faulty hits. Thanks for your help.

armsys 10-26-2009 06:39 AM

Without a doubt, the FTS algorithm contains some bugs. I suspect it may search attributes as well.

The Relevance attribute is available in Search Results (Ctrl+3). The Relevance of 1 is likely faulty.

But, on the other hand, how come it isn't available in Search conditions?


kinook 10-26-2009 02:21 PM

All text and attributes are searched by default (FTS or non-FTS). To search only item/document text and no other attributes, use an advanced search of Item Text contains keywords or matches wildcard.

The Relevance attribute isn't available in the search criteria because it is a result of the search and not an actual attribute in the database.

armsys 10-26-2009 05:44 PM

Sorry, I didn't know the difference. Anyway, the relevance column is extremely helpful even though info item with Relevance 1 could not be eliminated in the Search Results.
Thanks for your help.

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