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Roaster 11-08-2009 02:21 PM

Turbo Delphi 2006 / Delphi 2009 question

I'm trying to build a Turbo Delphi/BDS2006 and D2009 project in VSB 7.x.

This works perfectly, however, every time I perform a build in VSB, the Borland IDE gets started, compiles and exits afterwards. Is this by intention? I expected that the IDE does not start up but using the command line compiler instead.

I've just set up a Filename in Project/Group: Q:\_DelphiGlobals\MyCmdLinkButton\package\MyCmdLin kButtonD10R.bdsproj
nothing more at the moment.

OTH, I've installed Delphi 2009, too, and would like to compile this project in this IDE, in a further step.
I'm using this Filename Q:\_DelphiGlobals\MyCmdLinkButton\package\MyCmdLin kButtonD12R.dproj in Project/Group and the IDE does not start up but compiles in the background, which is perfectly.

What did I made wrong in case of Turbo Delphi?

Edit: When compiling the project in Delphi 7 (Filename: \MyCmdLinkButton\package\MyCmdLinkButtonD7R.dpk) the IDE, too, isn't starting.

kinook 11-09-2009 07:27 AM

In v2006, the .bdsproj file can only be built by the Delphi IDE, which displays a GUI when run. The older .dpr/.dpk file formats can be built with dcc32, which is a console app.

Roaster 11-09-2009 11:02 AM

thanks for your reply.

I didn't know this! How does VBP distinguish which IDE to call (Delphi 7 / BDS 2006) when using a filename with extension .dpr/.dpk?
( I guess I've to use the 'Override default compiler location:' option, correct? )

As already mentioned, I would like to use VBP to compile a project in Delphi 7 and BDS2006, using the command line compiler.

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