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RodrigoReboucas 11-14-2009 06:31 AM

Sending E-mail as *.eml files

Is there any way to use the "Send Mail" step or any other step to send e-mail as *.eml files?
We currently have Visual Build Pro inside an environment that has no access to the internet or smtp server. This is what we use in our .NET apps (web.config) to generate the eml files:

Is there any way to specify something simillar inside VBP?


kinook 11-14-2009 08:14 AM

There isn't anything built-in to VBP for generating .eml files, but they're just text files like this (which you could create with the Write File action):

Date: 14 Nov 2009 11:31:57 -0000
Subject: my subject

Message body here...

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