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wordmuse 11-20-2009 01:44 PM

a different linking procedure
hi -

I'd like to suggest a new linking process.

Currently you link by telling URP4 that the item you're working with should also be a child to some other item elsewhere in the tree. This is a terrific capability and I make extensive use of it.

What would also be very slick would be to call up a dialog similar to the Link/Move/Copy dialog whereby I am able to find other links and make them children of the current item. This would enable me to create children from far and wide in my URP4 data without ever having to leave the item that is my primary focus.

- Bal

quant 11-21-2009 03:49 PM

instead of various dialogs to copy/link or whatever, I'd personally much more prefer the second data explorer pane ...

igoldsmid 11-21-2009 03:50 PM

sounds good - also I'd like to see:

Find as you type Item Title Search in the linking dialogue

wordmuse 11-23-2009 05:55 PM


Originally posted by quant
instead of various dialogs to copy/link or whatever, I'd personally much more prefer the second data explorer pane ...
this would be very good, too. There are times - especially on a small netbook screen, where I'm fighting for real estate and a second pane uses more than I would like. A dialog would serve me well in this situation.

When I have a large monitor available, the real estate problem largely goes away.

- Bal

quant 11-24-2009 04:31 AM


Originally posted by wordmuse
this would be very good, too. There are times - especially on a small netbook screen, where I'm fighting for real estate and a second pane uses more than I would like. A dialog would serve me well in this situation.

When I have a large monitor available, the real estate problem largely goes away.

- Bal

I know what you're talking about, I'm using UR on Samsung Q1. However, I still think that dialogues are bad design.
Second data explorer is just another standalone pane, so opening/floating/autohiding are automatic features that allow optimal use of screen estate.

I recall many fauture suggestions to link/copy dialogue window, "please add create new item button, please add rename button, bla bla ...", IMHO, waste of dev time. Once you add second data explorer, every new feature added to data explorer pane automatically works in the second as well. We don't need new "button to create new item", we don't need new "button to rename item", ... everything already works is data explorer.

Plus, say Kinook will add "filter in data explorer", there will be no need to wait half a year and dozens of requests to add it to link or copy dialogue, cause it will automatically work in second data explorer pane. And all the standard drag/drop/create link operations from one data explorer pane to another blow any link/copy dialogue out of water ...

wordmuse 11-30-2009 03:05 AM

I'll be happy with a second data pane, too. I don't see this as either-or.

- Bal

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