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wordmuse 12-01-2009 01:37 AM

enhancing urp4 styles
It would be very helpful to me (and probably others) if the styles in URP4 could be enhanced in the following ways:

1 - change a style, and all instances where the style is used change.

2 - character-level styles that do not take up things such as indents, spacing, etc.

3 - keyboard assignments for styles like you can do in Word.

4 - enhanced paragraph styles, with first line indents, etc.

5 - let me change the style of a paragraph without having to first select the paragraph. Just having the cursor somewhere in the paragraph should be enough - again, just like in Word (and also Dreamweaver).

6 - Carry the styles *inside* the document so that when I port the document over to a different computer, URP4 recognizes and uses the styles.

6a - Alternative: let me use external cascading stylesheets. This could be handled through an attribute that lets me assign a CSS to an item or a template. In fact, now that I think of it, I love this idea. This would be incredibly powerful.

- Bal

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