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wordmuse 02-14-2010 11:20 AM

new sibling above
Currently URP4 places newly created siblings below the currently selected item. It would be nice if there was a way to have it placed above the current item so that the most recent is at the top of the stack.

I don't want to do this through a sorting function. I'd just like the newly created item to be above the currently selected item - not necessarily in the top or bottom positions in a long list of siblings.

- Bal

wordmuse 05-18-2010 11:54 PM

Bringing this up again because the need appeared again tonight. Something like Ctrl+Shift+Enter to force the new item to appear above the current item would be exceedingly welcome. I can't begin to tell you how much that would improve the usability of URP4 for me.

I have no idea if this is difficult to implement, but it'd be worth it. :)

- Bal

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