![]() |
builder.CompletionStatus and vbld_BuildDone()
I have got the project script below. The function "CreateXmlLogHandlingProject()" is working fine if "status" = vbldBuildCompFailed but it fails to run when "status" = vbldBuildCompDone or "status" = vbldBuildCompAborted. When the script failed the last msgbox displayed is "Test 3". Script: Option Explicit Function LogExt() If Application.Options.LogFormat = "Text" Then LogExt = "txt" Else LogExt = "xml" End If End Function Function vbld_BuildStarting() ' delete any existing log file before the build begins ' This can be useful if a master project calls child projects ' which use the same log file as the master project, but the ' log file should be deleted only at the start of the master build. ' The global option 'Tools | Application Options | Logging | Delete ' log file at the start of each build' would cause the log file to ' be deleted at the beginning of the master and each child project, ' so instead that option can be unchecked and this step added to the ' start of the master project. Dim logFile, message ' determine the log filename, retrieve with all macros/script expanded logFile = Application.ExpandMacrosAndScript("%LOGFILE%") ' delete the file if it exists If vbld_FSO.FileExists(logFile) Then message = "Deleting log file '" + logFile + "' from vbld_BuildStarting event (go to Script Editor, Project tab to view script code)." Builder.LogMessage vbCrLf + message + vbCrLf vbld_FSO.DeleteFile logFile, True End If End Function Function vbld_BuildDone(status) CreateXmlLogHandlingProject(status) End Function Dim objApp, objBld, objStep, objMacro Dim toEmailObjMacro, emailSubjectObjMacro, emailContentObjMacro Function CreateXmlLogHandlingProject(status) ' create VisBuildPro app and build objects and connect Set objBld = CreateObject("VisBuildSvr7.Builder") Set objApp = CreateObject("VisBuildSvr7.Application") objBld.Initialize objApp ' create a "XmlFilePath" macro containing the path of this project log file Set objMacro = objApp.Project.Macros.Add("XmlFilePath") objMacro.Value = Application.ExpandMacrosAndScript("%LOGFILE%") ' create a "HtmlFilePath" macro containing the path of the log file transformation result Set objMacro = objApp.Project.Macros.Add("HtmlFilePath") objMacro.Value = "%TEMP%\%PROJROOT%.html" objMacro.Value = Application.ExpandMacrosAndScript(objMacro.Value) ' create a "LogFormat" macro indicating the format of this project log file Set objMacro = objApp.Project.Macros.Add("LogFormat") objMacro.Value = Application.Options.LogFormat msgbox "status = " & status, vbOK, "CreateXmlLogHandlingProject" msgbox "Test 1", vbOK, "CreateXmlLogHandlingProject" ' create a "TO_EMAIL" macro containing the email distribution list Set objMacro = objApp.Project.Macros.Add("TO_EMAIL") Select case status case vbldBuildCompDone objMacro.Value = ""%myEmail%" case vbldBuildCompAborted objMacro.Value = ""%myEmail%" case vbldBuildCompFailed objMacro.Value = "%myEmail%" case else objMacro.Value = ""%myEmail%" end Select msgbox "Test 2, objMacro.Value = " & objMacro.Value, vbOK, "CreateXmlLogHandlingProject" ' create a "EmailSubject" macro containing the subject of the email Set objMacro = objApp.Project.Macros.Add("EmailSubject") msgbox "Test 3", vbOK, "CreateXmlLogHandlingProject" Select case status case vbldBuildCompDone objMacro.Value = "Nightly Build Result (COMPLETED)" case vbldBuildCompAborted objMacro.Value = "Nightly Build Result (ABORTED)" case vbldBuildCompFailed objMacro.Value = "Nightly Build Result (FAILED)" case else objMacro.Value = "Nightly Build Result (UNKNOWN STATUS='" + CStr(status) + "')" end Select msgbox "Test 4, objMacro.Value = " & objMacro.Value, vbOK, "CreateXmlLogHandlingProject" ' create a "EmailContent" macro containing the content of the email Set objMacro = objApp.Project.Macros.Add("EmailContent") msgbox "Test 5", vbOK, "CreateXmlLogHandlingProject" Select case status case vbldBuildCompDone objMacro.Value = Application.ExpandMacrosAndScript("At %DATETIME%, the build '%PROJFILE%' on %COMPUTERNAME% completed successfully.") + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + vbCrLf case vbldBuildCompAborted objMacro.Value = Application.ExpandMacrosAndScript("At %DATETIME%, the build '%PROJFILE%' on %COMPUTERNAME% was canceled by the user.") + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + vbCrLf case vbldBuildCompFailed objMacro.Value = Application.ExpandMacrosAndScript("At %DATETIME%, the build '%PROJFILE%' on %COMPUTERNAME% failed.") + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + vbCrLf case else objMacro.Value = Application.ExpandMacrosAndScript("At %DATETIME%, the build '%PROJFILE%' on %COMPUTERNAME% exit with unknow status: '") + CStr(status) + "'" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + vbCrLf end Select msgbox "Test 6, objMacro.Value = " & objMacro.Value, vbOK, "CreateXmlLogHandlingProject" ' add a "Group" step and set its properties With CreateStep(vbldStepMain, "Group", "XML log handling", 0) .Property("condcomparison") = 6 .Property("condexpr") = "[Len(%QUOTE_STR(%XmlFilePath%)%) > 0 And ""%LogFormat%"" = ""XML""]" .Property("description") = "Show extra capabilities for XML log files only, processed only if log format is XML" End With msgbox "Test 7", vbOK, "CreateXmlLogHandlingProject" ' add a "Transform XML Log" step and set its properties With CreateStep(vbldStepMain, "Transform XML Log", "Generate HTML log", 1) .Property("Build0") = -1 .Property("Build1") = -1 .Property("Build2") = -1 .Property("CloseTags") = -1 .Property("InputFile") = "%XmlFilePath%" .Property("Log0") = -1 .Property("Log1") = -1 .Property("Log2") = -1 .Property("Log3") = -1 .Property("Log4") = -1 .Property("LogNested") = -1 .Property("OutputFile") = "%HtmlFilePath%" .Property("ShowFile") = -1 .Property("Step0") = -1 .Property("Step1") = -1 .Property("Step2") = -1 .Property("Step3") = -1 .Property("Step4") = -1 .Property("Step5") = -1 .Property("Step6") = -1 .Property("XSLTFile") = "%VISBUILDDIR%\Style\TransformLog.xslt" .Property("description") = "Perform transform on log file, converting to formatted HTML log with summary, uses built-in XSLT stylesheet" End With msgbox "Test 8", vbOK, "CreateXmlLogHandlingProject" ' add a "Send Mail" step and set its properties With CreateStep(vbldStepMain, "Send Mail", "Send Log File", 1) .Property("Attachments") = "%HtmlFilePath%" .Property("Domain") = "%USERDNSDOMAIN%" .Property("From") = "%USERNAME%@%USERDNSDOMAIN%" .Property("Message") = "%EmailContent%" .Property("Port") = 25 .Property("Server") = "%Server%" .Property("Subject") = "%EmailSubject%" .Property("Timeout") = 10 .Property("To") = "%TO_EMAIL%" .Property("description") = "Send the log file via email" End With ' save the project to disk to build in following step 'objApp.Project.Save "TEMP\dynamic.bld" 'MsgBox "Dynamic file location: TEMP\dynamic.bld", vbOkOnly, "Visual Build Pro" ' build the dynamic project objBld.SyncBuild End Function ' add a step to the project and return Function CreateStep(typ, action, name, indent) Set objStep = objApp.Project.Steps(typ).Add(action) objStep.Name = name objStep.Indent = indent Set CreateStep = objStep End Function |
It looks like you have extra double quotes here:
Select case status case vbldBuildCompDone objMacro.Value = ""%myEmail%" case vbldBuildCompAborted objMacro.Value = ""%myEmail%" case vbldBuildCompFailed objMacro.Value = "%myEmail%" case else objMacro.Value = ""%myEmail%" end Select which should be Select case status case vbldBuildCompDone objMacro.Value = "%myEmail%" case vbldBuildCompAborted objMacro.Value = "%myEmail%" case vbldBuildCompFailed objMacro.Value = "%myEmail%" case else objMacro.Value = "%myEmail%" end Select |
The extra quotes are a typo mistake. They do not exist in my real script.
The function now seems to work for failed and done status but it is still not working for the abort status. |
I'm not sure -- Changing the event code to:
Function vbld_BuildDone(status) CreateXmlLogHandlingProject(vbldBuildCompDone) CreateXmlLogHandlingProject(vbldBuildCompFailed) CreateXmlLogHandlingProject(vbldBuildCompAborted) End Function and building succeeds in our tests. Please send the info requested here: http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthre...?threadid=3044 |
1 Attachment(s)
1) The info from Help | About | Install Info:
Visual Build Professional 7.2a Registered to: Citect by Schneider Electric (5-computer license) Windows Version: 5.1.2600.3.0 Install path: C:\Program Files\VisBuildPro7 HideConsole.exe version SftPrintPreview_IX86_U_20.dll version 2.02 VisBuildCmd.exe version VisBuildPro.exe version VisBuildAct.dll version VisBuildCore.dll version VisBuildDotNET.dll version VisBuildExt.dll version VisBuildMisc.dll version VisBuildMS.dll version VisBuildMS2.dll version VisBuildNet.dll version VisBuildSvr.dll version VisBuildSvr.Interop.dll version VisBuildVCS.dll version 2) Configuration Files: See attached zip file 3) Other program Info: Not Applicable 4) Problem Description: See previous post. Also I attached the full bld file. The project is run from VisBuildPro.exe. 5) Detailed steps to reproduce the problem: a) Failed Status(script works) Run the bld project then press cancel when asked to enter a value to the macro. b) Abort Status(script does not work) Step the first step and then press the abort buton 6) bld file to reproduce the problem: You will need to change the following line: .Property("Server") = "AMAUSYD2.au.schneider-electric.com" 7) Log files: Please not that when the bld project is aborted then there is no log file generated. I attached the log file when the bld project failed. I attached the trace from the output window from both scenarios(Failed status & Abort status). |
I don't see a .bld file in the attachment.
1 Attachment(s)
Sorry do not know what happened. re-attached with the bld proj
When I build the project, I get a prompt for CompileDir undefined macro, and after canceling the prompt:
Deleting log file 'C:\Users\user\DriverBuild.xml' from vbld_BuildStarting event (go to Script Editor, Project tab to view script code). 3/8/2010 2:53:08 PM: -------------------- Starting Build: 'DriverBuild.bld' -------------------- 3/8/2010 2:53:08 PM: Building project step 1 - Project steps... 3/8/2010 2:53:08 PM: Building project step 2 - usage issue... 3/8/2010 2:53:08 PM: Building project step 3 - Exit... Error expanding macros or script in property Message: VisBuildCmd.exe DriverListFile="path" InstallerOutputDir="path" [SignCommonName="name" EULA="path"] VisualBuildProjectFile Required Properties: DriverListFile - XML file containing the list of drivers to be included InstallerOutputDir - Folder where the Diver Pack will be copied into Optional Properties: SignCommonName - Common name for certificate to use for signing. Default "Schneider Electric" EULA - End Usr License Agreement to use in the Driver Pack Installer. Default checked in at 3/8/2010 2:53:46 PM: Build ended (elapsed = 00:00:38). status = 1 Test 1 Test 2, objMacro.Value = Test 3 Test 4, objMacro.Value = Nightly Build Result (FAILED) Test 5 Test 6, objMacro.Value = At 3/8/2010 2:53:46 PM, the build 'D:\Temp\support\DriverBuild.bld' on XYZ failed. Test 7 Test 8 I also tried adding an Exit step (status of Cancel) at the beginning of the project, which results in: 3/8/2010 2:55:02 PM: -------------------- Starting Build: 'DriverBuild.bld' -------------------- 3/8/2010 2:55:02 PM: Building project step 1 - Project steps... 3/8/2010 2:55:02 PM: Building project step 2 - Exit... 3/8/2010 2:55:02 PM: Build canceled by user (elapsed = 00:00:00). status = 2 Test 1 Test 2, objMacro.Value = Test 3 Test 4, objMacro.Value = Nightly Build Result (ABORTED) Test 5 Test 6, objMacro.Value = At 3/8/2010 2:55:02 PM, the build 'D:\Temp\support\DriverBuild.bld' on XYZ was canceled by the user. Test 7 Test 8 A log file is created in both cases. |
To abort the script I used the "stop (ctrl+break)" button, the status is still abort but the project does not seem to complete.
If I run the bld project from visualcmd and the user press ctrl+break, will the project run to the end. I would like to receive an email when the user abort the project. |
A couple problems with this:
1) The file loggers are currently disposed of before the vbld_BuildDone script event fires. 2) When the build is canceled, if the vbld_BuildDone event takes very long to run, it will be aborted (to handle the situation of a build being aborted while script code is executing, but it should wait for this particular event to finish). We'll investigate explicitly supporting this in the future (there's also a request to support building failure steps if the build is canceled, which would provide another way to achieve this). For now, you might try shortening the event script code (maybe just call Builder.RunProgram to invoke a pre-defined send mail project, passing dynamic parameters on the command-line). |
thanks for that. How can I be notified when you implemented point 2)?
We'll notify on this thread and also see http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthre...?threadid=2985
These are implemented in v7.5.
http://www.kinook.com/Forum/showthre...?threadid=4415 |
1 Attachment(s)
I installed the visualbuild 7.5 and one of my step is not working anymore. 1) See attached file 2) See attached file 3) N/A 4) The step "148 - Source-index The Driver PDBs..." in my project is not working anymore when using VisBuilCmd.exe. The step is just a "command" step This step used to work with 7.2a. Also this step is working if I use VisBuildPro.exe, not sure what is the difference!! Attached the log file for both command "VisBuilCmd.exe" and "VisBuildPro.exe" of 7.5 5) Reproduceable with my project but required special structure. 6) See attached file 7) See attached file |
1 Attachment(s)
I find a way for you to reproduce it using the attached file. The project works if using VisBuildPro but not with VisProCmd. You will need to change the path of the bat file in step 2.
The output expected should be: echo "/Source=D:\DrvGrp\NonODC\VC8\Drivers\DNPr\Developme nt\Branch2" "/Source=D:\DrvGrp\NonODC\VC8\Drivers\DNPr\Developme nt\Branch2" D:\DrvGrp\NonODC\Utilities\DriverPackBuilder>echo "/Symbols=\\syd-file01\volatile\TDG\Release Symbols\Products\Drivers\DNPR\" "/Symbols=\\syd-file01\volatile\TDG\Release Symbols\Products\Drivers\DNPR\" D:\DrvGrp\NonODC\Utilities\DriverPackBuilder>echo "/Debug=1" "/Debug=1" rem D:\DrvGrp\NonODC\Utilities\DriverPackBuilder\tfsin dex.cmd "/Source=D:\DrvGrp\NonODC\VC8\Drivers\DNPr\Developme nt\Branch2" "/Symbols=\\syd-file01\volatile\TDG\Release Symbols\Products\Drivers\DNPR\" "/Debug=1" |
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