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tfjern 03-23-2010 07:40 AM

Importing Gmails into UR
I have a few thousand gmails in three separate folders in my Google gmail account. I would like to have all of my gmails imported (copied) into UR.

I would also like all the gmails in each of the three folders be imported into one UR Info Item (i.e., I do not want each of the gmails to be imported as a separate Info Item -- the result then would be thousands of Info Items).

The result after importation would be three Info Items, each one containing the gmails located in each of the tree gmail folders. If it is not possible to import into UR according to the gmail folders, then it would be acceptable to import everything into one UR Info Item (the gmails are very brief).

Is this possible in UR? If so, please explain in simple, easy English, yet detailed and step-by-step. Please don't assume I am familiar with any of the expressions commonly used in the arcane world of POP, IMAP, and the like. Thanks.

kinook 03-25-2010 10:11 AM

I can't think of any way to do that. You could download them into an offline mail reader such as Thunderbird, Outlook, or Outlook Express via POP or IMAP, and then import into UR from there, but that would create an item in UR for each message.

quant 03-26-2010 05:58 AM


Originally posted by kinook
I can't think of any way to do that. You could download them into an offline mail reader such as Thunderbird, Outlook, or Outlook Express via POP or IMAP, and then import into UR from there, but that would create an item in UR for each message.
and then you could maybe use the UR "show combined text for multiple selection" to copy paste to a single item ... but i can hardly think of a scenario when would the combined single item be preferable

vogelap 03-26-2010 07:33 AM


Originally posted by quant
"show combined text for multiple selection"
Does that function provide "merge notes" capability -- combining selected notes into one note (and deleting the individual notes, saving only the combined note)?

If so, that's cool!

If not, that's a feature request! :)

kinook 03-26-2010 11:08 AM


Originally posted by quant
and then you could maybe use the UR "show combined text for multiple selection" to copy paste to a single item ... but i can hardly think of a scenario when would the combined single item be preferable
True, if 'Tools | Options | Editor | Show combined text for multiple selection' is checked, after importing, you could select all the emails and copy and paste their content as a single text item (although it might take a while to display the combined text).

RAlfieri 03-29-2010 11:45 PM

This is a great topic. I would like to see drag and drop supported out of Thunderbird/Postbox into Ultra Recall instead of using the add-on. Using the add-on is a two step process. First I import the e-mail into the import folder, then I have to move it to its final destination. It would be great to send it to it's final destination at import. Even if it is possible to add an option prompt to the Thunderbird add-on that prompts for a folder to send the e-mail.


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