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Roaster 03-31-2010 01:27 AM

Office 2010 riched32.dll

any idea if the new Office/Word 2010 provides a new riched32.dll which is capable of better editing tables inline (resizing and others) and does not crash upon pasting images into a text item?

Did somebody had any chance to test this already?

Roaster 04-14-2010 11:50 AM

So no one had a chance of testing this or does Office 2010 not deliver a newer build of riched32?

I've download the trial but it seems that the trial uses a kind of virtual machine as it did not really install in any folder, if I'm not wrong here, so I couldn't find any new riched32.dll so far

armsys 04-24-2010 04:35 AM

Which version of Office 2010 do you run?

Roaster 04-24-2010 02:18 PM

None so far. As written I've just installed the trial which seems not to install too many files, at least not in my VM.

I've searched the whole VM for any updated riched32 to no avail. OK, I've found one but this was one of the standard file delivered with the OS.

mikeg 06-15-2010 08:30 PM

I just installed Office 2010 Pro which put the following file on my Win 7 x64 system (note: correct file is riched20.dll, not riched32.dll which is actually an older version despite the higher number):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE14\RICHED20.DLL 1,335.00 KB 3/1/2010 5:18:08 AM

RichEdit Version: 6.0
File Version: 14.0.4750.1000

However, I'm unable to get URP 4.1C to start normally after copying this version of riched20 into C:\Program Files (x86)\UltraRecall. Either I get a zombie UltraRecall.exe process with no visible window or, if I try opening a specific database, I get a password prompt followed by "program did not start normally...Windows is checking for a solution" type message.

I checked security permissions and Users had read and execute. I'm running as an administrator with full permissions anyway. Had to go back to riched20 version 12.0.5413.1000 from Office 2007 to get UR working again. Anyone else have this problem?

blakelyg 06-16-2010 08:40 AM


C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE14\RICHED20.DLL 1,335.00 KB 3/1/2010 5:18:08 AM

RichEdit Version: 6.0
File Version: 14.0.4750.1000

However, I'm unable to get URP 4.1C to start normally after copying this version of riched20 into C:\Program Files (x86)\UltraRecall. Either I get a zombie UltraRecall.exe process with no visible window or, if I try opening a specific database, I get a password prompt followed by "program did not start normally...Windows is checking for a solution" type message.

I checked security permissions and Users had read and execute. I'm running as an administrator with full permissions anyway. Had to go back to riched20 version 12.0.5413.1000 from Office 2007 to get UR working again. Anyone else have this problem? [/B]
Interesting I have Riched20.dll 6.0 version 14.0.4514.1004 which I put in the Ultrarecall directory - not in the program files - I do not install that way - and other Riched20 3.1 Ver in the system 32 directory of my Windows 7 64 bit box. I also have MS Office 2007. No problems here. Have not received my MS Office 2010 DVD yet but will post when I install.

mikeg 06-16-2010 10:57 PM

When you go to Help -> About -> Install Info... what version of riched20.dll do you see?

blakelyg 06-17-2010 06:13 AM


Originally posted by mikeg
When you go to Help -> About -> Install Info... what version of riched20.dll do you see?
Ultra Recall Professional 4.1c
Registered to: xxxxxxx
Windows version: 6.1.7600.0.0
Install path: C:\Xxxx\UltraRecall
hrs32.dll version
hts11.dll version 11,0,2,3
mimepp.dll version 3.0.4
msptls.dll version 14.0.4514.1004
PolarSpellChecker.dll version
riched20.dll version 14.0.4514.1004
SftPrintPreview_IX86_U_20.dll version 2.02
ter16.dll version
UltraRecall.exe version
unins000.exe version
Database filename: C:\Xxxx\UltraRecall\Data\Xxxx.urd
Database version: 4.0.0 [FTS]

Copied from the Install info box. Have xx'ed out personal data. Note the Install path is not in Program Files (Or Program X(86) files.

kinook 06-17-2010 07:30 AM


Originally posted by mikeg
I just installed Office 2010 Pro which put the following file on my Win 7 x64 system (note: it's riched20.dll, not riched32.dll):

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\OFFICE14\RICHED20.DLL 1,335.00 KB 3/1/2010 5:18:08 AM

RichEdit Version: 6.0
File Version: 14.0.4750.1000

However, I'm unable to get URP 4.1C to start normally after copying this version of riched20 into C:\Program Files (x86)\UltraRecall. Either I get a zombie UltraRecall.exe process with no visible window or, if I try opening a specific database, I get a password prompt followed by "program did not start normally...Windows is checking for a solution" type message.

I checked security permissions and Users had read and execute. I'm running as an administrator with full permissions anyway. Had to go back to riched20 version 12.0.5413.1000 from Office 2007 to get UR working again. Anyone else have this problem?

If you copy manually, you may also need to copy msptls.dll (newer versions of riched20.dll require it).

mikeg 06-17-2010 11:40 PM

kinook, I just tried riched20 14.0.4750.1000 again along with msptls.dll 14.0.4730.1010, but still unable to get URP working. In fact, now I don't even get a password prompt when trying to open a database directly. UltraRecall.exe process starts, but with no visible window.

Interesting that blakeyg reports the older (but still Office 2010) riched20.dll (14.0.4514.1004) is working.

kinook 06-18-2010 05:17 PM

Testing on Windows XP SP3, I installed the Office 2010 Pro trial, then Ultra Recall Pro 4.1c (checking the 'Install Office rich edit control' option). Afterwards, Ultra Recall ran correctly and reported this about info:

Ultra Recall Professional 4.1c
Trial version: 45 days remaining
Windows version: 5.1.2600.3.0
Install path: C:\Program Files\UltraRecall
hrs32.dll version
hts11.dll version 11,0,2,3
mimepp.dll version 3.0.4
msptls.dll version 14.0.4730.1010
PolarSpellChecker.dll version
riched20.dll version 14.0.4750.1000
SftPrintPreview_IX86_U_20.dll version 2.02
ter16.dll version
UltraRecall.exe version
unins000.exe version
Database filename: C:\Program Files\UltraRecall\Samples\Intro.urd
Database version: 4.0.0 [FTS]

mikeg 06-19-2010 05:41 AM

Thanks. It looks like that did the trick--at least for me: After install or upgrade to Office 2010 then remove/reinstall UR making sure to check the 'Install Office rich edit control' option as you indicated (as opposed to just manually copying the new DLL files into UR programs folder). UR Pro is now working with the following configuration (note: I did not have to remove customizations during uninstall):

Ultra Recall Professional 4.1c
Registered to: xxxxxx xxxxxx (1-user license)
Windows version: 6.1.7600.0.0
Install path: C:\Program Files (x86)\UltraRecall
hrs32.dll version
hts11.dll version 11,0,2,3
mimepp.dll version 3.0.4
msptls.dll version 14.0.4730.1010
PolarSpellChecker.dll version
riched20.dll version 14.0.4750.1000
SftPrintPreview_IX86_U_20.dll version 2.02
ter16.dll version
UltraRecall.exe version
unins000.exe version
C:\Windows\system32\MsftEdit.dll version
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\office14\RichEd20.dll version 14.0.4750.1000
Database filename: F:\Users\xxxxxx\Documents\Ultra Recall\Test.urd
Database version: 4.0.0 [FTS]

OS: Windows 7 Pro x64

Roaster 06-28-2010 02:26 PM


I've now copied both required files to the UR installation folder and now I can resize table columns and rows and I can paste images from third party apps to UR without any crashes so far.

I guess M$ managed it to clear up some longtime bugs.

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