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JohnNichols 04-05-2010 09:17 AM

prompt to confirm folder delete
Is there an option for UR to prompt before deleting a folder? I am worried that I may delete a folder by mistake and not realize it until too late. The undo function is useful, but for safety, I need to receive a prompt from UR to confirm a deletion.

Thank you in advance for responses and suggestions.

quant 04-05-2010 02:13 PM

if you hit del, it will only move the item to "recycle bin", so that's safe, no need to confirm

if you hit "shift+del", then you get a prompt, and in case you confirm, it will be deleted permanently (no "recycle bin", but you are still able to "undo")

JohnNichols 04-05-2010 04:33 PM

Wow! Thanks for pointing out the recycle bin. Even though I have been using UR for several years, I never looked in the UR recycle bin. I had 3 years of deletes in there. I can see what was deleted and drag an item back to wherever I want it in the tree, or click on item restore, if appropriate. Now I will be less concerned about making big mistakes.

quant 04-05-2010 04:45 PM


Originally posted by JohnNichols
Wow! Thanks for pointing out the recycle bin. Even though I have been using UR for several years, I never looked in the UR recycle bin. I had 3 years of deletes in there.
you kidding, right?

JohnNichols 04-06-2010 08:32 AM

I wish I was kidding. I would still like to see an option to be prompted when deleting, or moving (drag/drop), a folder to better avoid making mistakes. While working with and organizing a lot of UR data/trees over time, I have messed up a few times.

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