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wordmuse 09-21-2010 02:13 AM

new attribute: link open how
When you want to follow a link the three choices currently available are open in same tab, open in new tab, and open external. The Link Open How attribute would let me set any of these as the default for an item or set of selected items.

I'd also like keyboard+mouse combinations for these three choices if no attribute is specified. I'm thinking:

- click - opens in same tab
- ctrl+click - opens in new tab
- alt+click - opens external

When URP eventually supports multiple windows, then perhaps additional keyboard+mouse operations could be created too?

- Bal

Smith-Corona 09-21-2010 05:30 AM

Don't think I'd have much use for the "how to open link" attribute" (though you never know) - but mouse-keyboard combinations to open tabs in different ways is something I've often thought about - specifically to open in a new tab. Tabs to me are one of the most useful features of UR. It would be great to be able to say control-click to open in new tab. (for some reason I've always thought of shift-click - but then you could always customise it.) Opening in a new tab is something I do very often and this would really speed it up.

kinook 09-21-2010 07:43 AM

Left click or Ctrl+Q in the text editor (Enter in browser view) opens a link in the same tab.

Ctrl+click or Shift+F10, N in text editor (Ctrl+Enter in browser view) opens a link in a new tab.

Shift+click or Ctrl+Shift+Q in editor (Shift+Enter in browser) opens externally.

wordmuse 09-23-2010 02:52 PM

The keyboard shortcuts are nice, but an attribute that could serve as a default action on a click would make it so I don't have to leave an inline annotation like [open external].

Not a make or break; on a scale of 1-10 with 10 being critical, I'd put this at about a 5 or 6.

But it would be nice to have it.

- Bal

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