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vogelap 09-23-2010 12:33 PM

The Dreaded Question
It's been a month since the roadmap was updated.

I am tremendously interested in the changes planned for the next release, specifically the "Enhanced calendar pane", the "Keywords pane / tagging improvements", "Custom sorting in tree", and "Revamp the help file".

So, the Dreaded Question is this... When might we see the next release of Ultra Recall Pro?

Anxious in Ohio...

kinook 09-23-2010 12:44 PM

We don't have an ETA at this time. We will notify you when a beta is available.

wordmuse 09-23-2010 03:01 PM

"waiting will fill"
While I also look forward to every new release of URP with great anticipation, I am very pleased with the progress to date; especially since with every release there have never been any significant bugs. That is a great testament to the QC at Kinook. I'm all for the slower, less buggy pace.

So while "waiting will fill" (Valentine Michael Smith), I am - mmmm - eager for the next release.

- Bal

eno 09-27-2010 09:03 AM

I like the evolving route Kinook takes rather than the so called new version jumps some software companies do, because while people like "New" versions I much prefer to have stable software that does the job.

hartmut 09-27-2010 09:14 AM

Re: The Dreaded Question

Originally posted by vogelap
It's been a month since the roadmap was updated.

One month such a long time, 28 days, or in April, June, September and November it is 30 days and the remainting months there are 31 days, awful
I require a new version at least every week!!! ;-)

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