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wordmuse 10-05-2010 01:50 AM

software generated resets?
I have started seeing a strange behavior with URP.

Sometimes I will close the program and when I reopen it, things like new toolbars are gone and customized toolbars are reset to factory defaults.

Is this because of something I am doing or is there something that URP looks for that causes it to reset of its own accord?

- Bal

kinook 10-05-2010 06:43 AM

I don't know what would cause that. You might backup your settings after configuring as desired so you can restore them in such a situation.

Jon Polish 10-05-2010 03:33 PM

If I remember correctly, this can happen if you make customizations while two or more databases are open at the same time. I recall that customizations made under these conditions are not retained.

Is this what happens with you?


wordmuse 10-05-2010 05:17 PM

Thanks guys.

I'll be watchful for the multiple database thing next time.

And, now that I have a procedure, I'll be backing up my settings once I have them set again.

- Bal

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