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nasa_d 10-21-2010 12:21 AM

Telnet does not work very well
Telnet step does not have detailed documentation. I tried a simple rm file command and this says the script executed successfully but never worked. I used SSH mode. The version I tried is 7.7.

Please check if I need to do something else?

kinook 10-21-2010 10:14 AM

1 Attachment(s)
In our tests, the attached project produces the expected output of:

10/21/2010 9:08:09 AM: -------------------- Starting Build: 'SSH.bld' --------------------
10/21/2010 9:08:09 AM: Building project step 2 - Telnet...
Connecting to SSH server '' on port 22
Host key fingerprint: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

<= Received from server:
Last login: Wed Oct 13 12:27:59 2010 from 99.999.999.9
Erase set to backspace.
11:08AM up 17 days, 17:10, 1 user, load averages: 0.31, 0.33, 0.31

=> Sending to server:

<= Received from server:
total 428

=> Sending to server:
echo test > xyz.txt

<= Received from server:

=> Sending to server:

<= Received from server:
total 432
-rw-r--r-- 1 xxxx users 5 Oct 21 11:08 xyz.txt

=> Sending to server:
rm xyz.txt

<= Received from server:

=> Sending to server:

<= Received from server:
total 428
Script successfully executed

nasa_d 10-22-2010 03:00 AM

Thanks for the reply! I tried the shell script working after installing all the options.

But with respect to the response, I do not see the build handles very well. I need to handle the response in two scenarios.

1. To store the response in the macro
2. How to ignore or handle large chunck of response?


kinook 10-22-2010 09:33 AM

The response will be available in the LASTSTEP_OUTPUT macro after the step completes.

You can use the Read File action or script code to parse or filter the response contents.

For complex scripts, it may be preferable to create a bash script and call that from the Telnet action rather than calling individual commands directly.

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