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cnewtonne 01-31-2011 03:14 PM

How far did you push UR?
Just thought of this as I was reorg'ing one of my UR dbs. How far did you push UR in terms of db size, count of tree items, and probably nesting levels. Of course, over how many years ...

Just attach a copy of file / properties box.

Here's mine ...

First one contains 5 years worth of technical procedures.
Second has 10 years of research.

cnewtonne 01-31-2011 03:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Here the the images.

cnewtonne 01-31-2011 03:17 PM

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Here's thed 2nd one

lascasas 01-31-2011 07:59 PM

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I'll play. My main file, since 2008. If a project gets really big, I use a separate file.

ashwken 02-01-2011 03:44 AM

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From the main reason I settled upon UR...

cnewtonne 02-01-2011 09:38 AM

lascasas / ashwken,
I see that both have keywords set to a high value. If you noticed, mine is 0 and 1. I believe this is caused by the fact that I enabled enhanced full text search (EFTS). You know, all new db's are now created with this feature enabled by default.

I tell you, enabling this feature takes UR to a new level in terms of search performance.

Converting my existing 120mb db took less than 20 minutes. I recommend that you backup your largest db and convert it and check for yourself.

Thank you.

dasymington 02-01-2011 10:32 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here's mine. This is the only UR file I use.

lascasas 02-01-2011 11:00 AM

I use enhanced full-text search and agree it's great. But I also use my own keywords to classify some things, and therefore I'm looking forward to the enhancements mentioned on the roadmap.

cnewtonne 02-01-2011 02:06 PM

dasymington ...
Why is your db this big?
- what type of content do you have in it?
- How many years?
- How's UR performance with such big db?

dasymington 02-01-2011 02:40 PM

cnewtonne, I use it for everything: work and personal stuff. It's got projects, correspondence, documents, any emails I want to keep. I do keep Word, Excel, etc documents as files on my hard drive but they're also imported and indexed in UR. It's got stuff going back to 1989.

Performance is fine; full text searches are almost instant.

kinook 02-02-2011 01:24 PM

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My main URD file (used for notes, web research, RoboForm logins, documents, tasks, contacts, reminders, reference info, network/software inventory, etc.), in use since mid-2004 (before first public release of UR).

kinook 02-02-2011 01:26 PM

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Other DB is an archive of all Kinook email messages and documents.

Jon Polish 02-02-2011 03:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is my main file. Several years ago I was griping about performance issues. Kinook has improved the program's responsiveness in almost all areas, and I find it pleasurable to use.

The earliest entry I have dates to early 2006. This marks the beginning of my transition away from other PIMs.


armsys 02-04-2011 07:42 PM

How do you archive the large size attachments such as photos to emails? Do you store emails and attachments in UR?

c&b 02-09-2011 09:40 AM

Hm, if I ever was in doubt whether UR could handle large amounts of data, I'm not in doubt anymore :-)

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