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cnewtonne 02-08-2011 08:16 AM

How To Convert Text Item To A Plain Text One?
Hi all,
I created a plain text item by importing a .txt file and made a template out of it. Now, I can insert a child item of this template just fine and it inserts as plain text item.

I would like, however, to convert exiting text items to use this plain text one, but the item template property for the text item does not show the plain text template in the drop down box.

I tried to import my file using plain text template in the import wizard, but the item text arrives blank. if I run same import using text template, the item text gets populated just fine.

How can I convert text item to plain text? What am I missing?

Thank you.

kinook 02-08-2011 08:46 AM

Re: How To Convert Text Item To A Plain Text One?

Originally posted by cnewtonne
Hi all,
I created a plain text item by importing a .txt file and made a template out of it. Now, I can insert a child item of this template just fine and it inserts as plain text item.

I would like, however, to convert exiting text items to use this plain text one, but the item template property for the text item does not show the plain text template in the drop down box.

Conversion of a Text item to a Document item is not possible.

I tried to import my file using plain text template in the import wizard, but the item text arrives blank. if I run same import using text template, the item text gets populated just fine.
Use File | Import -> Files to import a plain text file. Either set the Default Child Template attribute of the item to be imported under to your document template, or change the item's Template attribute after importing.

How can I convert text item to plain text? What am I missing?
You would need to copy and paste the text from the Text item into the Document item, then delete the Text item.

cnewtonne 02-08-2011 11:14 AM

I thought I did a good job explaining what I'm trying to do, but may be not.

Basically, I have a tab delimited file of near 100 records. This file has 2 fields that map to item title and item text. I want to import this file into UR where the imported items use PlainText template I created earlier successfully.

In the import wizard, if I set the default value for item template to text, it imports fine. If I change it to plaintext template, item text does not get populated. I only see item title.

If I set the default template for the UR folder I'm importing to to PlainText, import does not honor it. It imports using text instead of plaintext template.

From your reply, I believe this can not be done. My only option is to do copy/paste.


kinook 02-08-2011 11:49 AM

Using CSV import, you can't import into the content of Document and derived items -- Item Text can only be mapped to the content of Text items.

Your best bet would be to convert the CSV file into separate text files, one for each line, naming the file with the title and storing the text in the file. Then set the Default Child Template of the item being imported under to your document template, and import the files or the folder containing these files using File | Import -> Files or A folder.

cnewtonne 02-08-2011 04:10 PM

This answers my questions. thanks

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