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vogelap 02-26-2011 07:35 AM

WordPad opening & Enhanced Text Search?
Two newbie questions from a registered UR user...

* Whenever I click on an item in the Data Explorer, the item opens in WordPad. For example, I created a new URD database file and clicked on the "My Data" item in the Data Explorer. WordPad opens to display the item. What I'd like is for the item to display in UR's large main window, but cannot figure out how to configure that.

* I've seen mentioned on this forum the benefits of Enhanced Text Search. How do I activate that?

kinook 02-26-2011 10:19 AM

Re: WordPad opening & Enhanced Text Search?

Originally posted by vogelap
Two newbie questions from a registered UR user...

* Whenever I click on an item in the Data Explorer, the item opens in WordPad. For example, I created a new URD database file and clicked on the "My Data" item in the Data Explorer. WordPad opens to display the item. What I'd like is for the item to display in UR's large main window, but cannot figure out how to configure that.

Make sure to single-click, not double-click, to select an item. Otherwise, it sounds like you might have RTF files configured to open externally (remove .rtf from Tools | Options | Documents | File extensions to edit/view externally).

* I've seen mentioned on this forum the benefits of Enhanced Text Search. How do I activate that?
Make sure Tools | Compact & Repair -> Enable full-text search enhancements is checked (it is by default since v4.1).

vogelap 02-26-2011 07:41 PM

Thanks for the quick reply.

I've only been single-clicking on items, but it's weird... When I LAUNCH URp, the "My Data" item opens in WordPad, before I click anything.

"File extensions to view/edit externally" contains only the following:
.wma;.mp2;.mp3;.mp4;.mpeg;.mpg;.movie;.mod;.amc;.e xe;.lnk

kinook 02-27-2011 10:11 PM

schferk 03-01-2011 03:31 PM

With respect to this thread's problem and my thread on inserting .jpg's from a screen capture program - sorry, I hadn't searched the forum for that one as I should have -, I would like to know, in general, if there's a possibility to have another INTERNAL editor, except for those MS ones.

The background of my question is this: Opening UR items in MS Word (or any other external editor, perhaps - I didn't try yet) is really helpful if you want to edit them in a thorough way, e.g. by replacing tabs, empty lines, multiple paragraph marks by just two, eliminating spaces before and after lines' text, and so on; but for normal editing or just viewing of your items, this wouldn't be handy at all.

But I'm craving for just a detail, present though in ANY other standard program: I'd like to be able to do the commands "scroll upwards/downwards" with my (additional) mouse keys, like I can do in any standard text editor, any standard outlining program, any standard internet browser, and even any standard graphics program (vector graphics, flowcharts, etc.) - it's just in the MS editor .dll's used in UR that I can't do that (BTW, UR's tree represents the same problem).

So I'm thinking of another .dll to replace the MS .dll's used in UR, and I'd even be willing to pay for such a .dll if it works smoothly in UR.

Thus my question, before searching for hours in the net for such a thing and trying it out: Is there any such .dll kinook or any UR user knows of, that allows for that otherwise ubiquitous scrolling by mouse, unlike the standard MS .dll, and be it free or going with a fee?

kinook 03-01-2011 03:43 PM

Scrolling with the mouse wheel works fine here, in both the rich text editor and the trees in UR, testing with Windows 7 x64 SP1, UR 4.2a, IntelliMouse Optical mouse, and IntelliPoint 7.0 x64.

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