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mlwang 05-05-2011 11:14 PM

An emeditor script to put Title, Keywords and URL into exported html files
1 Attachment(s)
I'm new to UR. While I'm very impressed by its capability, there was one thing that made me hesitate--the source URL and keywords associated with a captured web page would not appear in the html file when exported.

The xml (oml) export option, on the other hand, could carry all kinds of extra information, and there's a script in the FAQ section that could convert the xml into a toc.html with keywords and URLs if those are in the xml. And yet I prefer to have those information right inside individual html documents, because

1) so that the articles can be moved/renamed freely without breaking the associated toc.html;

2) so that any desktop search utility (Windows Search, Google Desktop and the like) could point me to the document directly--not a toc--when I search for a keyword; and

3) so that I could click on the URL link right inside an html document to go to the source web page, instead of hving to go back to the toc to do that.

Though I hesitated, there's really no better alternatives. I've used Scrapbook (a Firefox extension), Evernote, Surfulater and OneNote in the past, and have tried out a few others in parallel when I'm trying out UR. UR just works better for me.

So I wrote a little script that would take the URL & keywords for each item from the xml file, and append them to the end of the html files (stored in the "export_StoredContent" subfolder). It also replace the information in the <head> section with the title I use in UR.<br /> <br /> You need emeditor for this to work, and please see the caveats mentioned in <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. <br /> <br /> It's basically a "proof of feasibility" script. I.e., I don't really need it now since I'm using UR. It's done so I can rest assure that I can get my data and my effort (in tagging documents with keywords) out if it becomes necessary someday. I therefore won't put more effort into it (to include other document attributes, e.g., or to make it work with Word VBA). Anyone is free to do whatever they like with it.</div> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <!-- END TEMPLATE: printthreadbit --> <br /> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr valign="top"> <td class="smallfont">All times are GMT -5. The time now is <span class="time">02:44 AM</span>.</td> <td align="right"> <div class="smallfont"></div> </td> </tr> </table> <p class="smallfont" align="center"> <br /> Copyright © 1999-2023 Kinook Software, Inc. </p> </body> </html> <!-- END TEMPLATE: printthread -->