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bkonia 05-16-2011 05:42 PM

Automatically Open Child Items Pane
I would like to have a system attribute called "Auto Display Child Items". When you select an Info Item that has this attribute enabled, it would automatically display the Child Items pane if it's currently hidden.

This would be useful for items that are folders containing a large number of child items you frequently view in grid format. The contact database would be one example. Normally, I don't like to have the Child Items pane visible because it takes up a lot of space, so I set it to auto hide. However, it's a pain to have to manually click on it each time I want to view child items. It would be a lot nicer to have it just automatically open when it's needed.

bkonia 05-17-2011 12:13 PM

After thinking about this some more, I think a more universal solution would be to have a "Layout" attribute that would allow the user to associate each Info Item and Template with a specific Layout. I think this would be very easy to implement and the possibilities are mind boggling. There are so many different types of data that can be stored within a UR database and the ability to dynamically switch Layouts depending on which item you're viewing would be hugely beneficial.

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