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Locked tabs
For locked tabs, I would like two sub-options:
1. Invert the normal Ctrl-Click behavior, so a regular click would open the web page in a new tab and a Ctrl-click would open in the locked tab. 2. Make it so that clicking on another Info Item opens that item in a new tab These options could be added to the Trees (more) panel in the Hoisting / Favorites / Title locking section. Alternatively, these could be added as options in the tab's context menu so that they could be applied to any tab, regardless of whether or not the title is locked. Ideally, you would set the default behavior for locked tabs in the settings, but still have the option to override for individual tabs. |
Big +1 for that. When I lock a tab, I would also like it to lock the displayed info item so it cannot change to another info item. To me it is very confusing to have several locked tabs open and then find that a couple of hours ago I accidentally opened a different item into one of those locked tabs. I honestly can't understand why it would ever be desirable to have a different info item opened into a locked tab; isn't that just plain confusing? Thanks, Mark. |
By design, only the tab's title is locked when Tab | Lock Title is performed. You can still navigate elsewhere and return to the locked item via Tab | Go to Locked Item.
I personally think it would be confusing to prevent selecting another item (or open a new tab anytime another item was selected) in a locked tab, but we will also consider adding an option for that. |
Great, thanks. Yeah, I use 'go to locked item' all the time, but it is always when I forget to open a new tab first when selecting a different item in the data explorer.
Mark. |
That is absolutely wonderful! Thank you so much for posting that idea! With one simple posting you have just eliminated two of my 3 biggest gripes about UR.
For item #1 I have been using TreeDbNotes, since it allows any number of trees in a database. Now you have shown me a way to create a virtual tree in UR that takes a bit to set up, but is almost as good as a separate tree. Yay! Item #2 -- since there was only one tree, I had been using the locking of a note title as a way to keep notes open from various areas of the database (things I'm working on at the time). It was always extremely frustrating to me to have the body of a locked note change when I poked around in the database! Now with the hoist-and-lock, I no longer see a need at all to lock a single note. Lock a branch of the tree instead, genious! Item #3 -- ok, for now I'll have to contunue using TreeDbNotes for this one. Hopefully soon some professional looking export options will be available for UR. --- Thank you so much $bill! Before now hoisting had been just a way for me to avoid the clutter of seeing the entire tree at once; I had never thought of combining hoisting with locking a tab. Amazing the things that can be learned by hanging around the forum; you have just increased my productivity in UR tremendously! Mark. |
You can take away my vote for an option to lock the item along with the tab. $bill just gave me a totally new use for a locked tab; a new view into the tree itself instead of simply a single note within the tree. I doubt I'll ever use a locked tab for trying to lock a single note again.
Ok, now looking in the 'tree (more)' options I see "Hoist tree when locking tab title or going to a locked item". I now see the use in that; never did before. Thanks, Mark. |
See Tools | Options | Trees (More) | Hoist tree when locking tab title or going to a locked item.
http://www.kinook.com/UltraRecall/Ma...viordialog.htm |
The simple explanation of how hoisting and locked tabs were used together made it click in my head. I had read the help page for the Tree (More) Options many times, and that never made it click. Wow, this is such a useful thing it should be in a video on the main description page for UR. Thanks, Mark. |
It would be great if things like the 'hoist-and-lock' were more 'in your face' for new users of UR, so as soon as they started using the product they immediately saw great features like that.
I think there are a lot of users of UR that are very entrenched in how outliners work, so to them things like hoisting and locking might immediately make sense. Then there are probably plenty of users like me who really don't have a lot of outliner experience and are now using them to get their lives better organized. Up until yesterday, to me a tab in UR was a view of a single note. Then came a simple explanation of use and suddenly a tab was not a view of a single note, but instead a specialized view into the tree. It makes me wonder how many other revelations there are waiting to be seen that will again be huge productivity boosts. I've gone through the help file many times, so know its contents pretty well. The help file gives basic purpose for each individual item in the app (clicking x will do y), but doesn't really explain how or why. Now I need to scour this forum and any referenced videos, etc. to see what else is lying just under the surface. Thanks for a great product, now on with the quest to find out how to really use it to its potential, Mark. |
Kinook, aren't you getting tired of hearing UR users -- especially new ones -- saying things such as, "Wow, UR has so many useful but virtually hidden features!" Or, "Gee, I tried to read UR's apparently programmer-centered 'help' file to find the answer to my question, but got lost in all those tedious hyperlinks." Or, "Gosh, it would be nice if there were more user-friendly videos detailing in understandable, step-by-step English all of UR's neat features (if you want to do X, first click on Y, then click on Z, and viola!)...," etc.
UR needs 1) a helpful help file, 2) non-flashy, non-Google-type videos (e.g., Google's absurd and totally useless "Buzz" videos), 3) a global, multi-database search function. Is this too much to ask? |
Were it up to me - it so rarely is - the multibase search would be significantly higher on the list. But it is there. - Bal |
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