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barney 06-01-2011 01:29 PM

Capture URL with page data?
I've just started using UltraRecall Pro, and have little time to peruse the instruction set at the moment - deadlines loometh.

I tried a quick search in the help file, but nothing stood out.

Is there a way to automatically include the URL when drag and drop (d&d) a page or partial page? That is, if I copy, say, a paragraph from any given Web page, I need to capture also the URL of that page for reference, attribution, and so on. However, I don't see any way to do this w/o doing a 2nd d&d operation, which slows things down significantly. When working with InfoSelect, this can be configured to be done automatically, but I don't recognize anything in UltraRecall's configuration that would allow it.

I've prolly overlooked it in my haste, but things are getting a bit tight right now, timewise, and I just don't have time for a leisurely read :(.

kinook 06-01-2011 02:01 PM

If you copy/paste or drag/drop a URL from any browser into UR, or part of a page from Firefox or IE, the URL will be shown in the URL attribute of the item (View | Other Windows | Item Attributes).

You can also display the URL attribute at the top of the item's detail area by creating a form (Tools | Forms | Insert) containing the URL attribute and assigning that form to the Form attribute of the Document template item (My Data -> Templates -> Document).

barney 06-01-2011 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by kinook (Post 18932)
If you copy/paste or drag/drop a URL from any browser into UR, or part of a page from Firefox or IE, the URL will be shown in the URL attribute of the item (View | Other Windows | Item Attributes).

While the URL element is checked in the Tools | Attributes window, it does not appear in the Item Attributes window.


Originally Posted by kinook (Post 18932)
You can also display the URL attribute at the top of the item's detail area by creating a form (Tools | Forms | Insert) containing the URL attribute and assigning that form to the Form attribute of the Document template item (My Data -> Templates -> Document).

Same problem here.

Neither of these solutions appear to work ... I have no idea what I might be doing improperly :confused:.

kinook 06-01-2011 04:56 PM

Are you dragging and dropping into the detail area of a text item or into the Data Explorer pane (tree)? You need to drop into the Data Explorer pane to capture the URL and formatted content. See

barney 06-01-2011 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by kinook (Post 18934)
Are you dragging and dropping into the detail area of a text item or into the Data Explorer pane (tree)? You need to drop into the Data Explorer pane to capture the URL and formatted content. See

D&d to the Data Explorer, dropping on an appropriately labeled item (folder?) (or child of My Data?). Just dragged this message, dropped on My Data | Notes. The internal link came across properly, but there is no URL item in Item Attributes pane, nor is there a URL at the top of the dropped message. The latter most likely is due to my not correctly modifying the template(s).

kinook 06-01-2011 06:21 PM

Which browser+version are you dragging from? Please ZIP and send or post #1 and #2 from and a .urd file after importing a page. Thanks.

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