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SuperJ 06-23-2004 02:49 PM

Project Level Events
It would be nice to have global/project level events (vbld_StepStarting, vbld_StepStarted, and vbld_StepDone). For instance, I want the entire build to run (ignore failures on many steps), but want failures of all steps logged a certain way. The only way to accomplish this now (that I've come across) is to put the same script in all steps. If implemented, it could also be used for timing all the steps to find bottlenecks in the build process. ie. Set a macro in vbld_StepStarting to record the time, and diff it with the time at vbld_StepDone, and log that somewhere other than the standard log file.

kinook 06-23-2004 09:21 PM

Call a common (project, global, etc.) script function from each step's build events; multi-select the steps to update their script code at once.

SuperJ 06-28-2004 03:45 PM

I understand that it's possible to do it that way (that's what I'm doing now), however, not as convenient. Especially when you're dealing with many build scripts, on numerous machines. Everytime a new step is added, I have to add the function call.

kinook 06-28-2004 10:33 PM

1 Attachment(s)
One thing you could do is add a step at the start of the project to update all other steps in the project to have the same script code as that step (see attached).

Also for custom logging, VBP allows you to create custom logging components and hook them into the logging process, which may be another option (see 'custom logger' in the help index for details).

Admin note: Implemented in v6

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