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Divider Lines / Separator Lines
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As we all know, there isn't such a thing as a page break divider line in UR's editor ; a lot of us are hoping for this feature present in many competing programs. 2 ) An even more interesting feature would be a divider line within the tree, especially since there isn't any formatting of tree entries (yet). I've always used divider lines in my trees for grouping same-level items, everywhere, and in UR it's not that easy yet but doable. The keyboard signs "-" and "_" are both NOT usable for this, "-" presenting ugly holes, and "_" being downed from the vertical center where the separator line should be. You can use many Alt 0150 signs, or, as I do, 15 Alt 0151 signs in a row which makes a perfect divider line for most cases (i.e. having the right width). Inserting such a line into the tree by a macro presents some difficulties in my case ; it's perhaps a macro software problem. You can select such an "item", then copy it to any other place in your tree ; problem is your default "copy is cloning" option ; that problem is easily resolved by just doing the usual control-c, but then, doing a control-m for "insert as plain text" which works very well for this one. This way, whenever you need such a divider line, you must first go to the place in your tree where you have stored your default divider line (or any other occurrence of your divider line), copy it, then go back to that other place where you want to insert such a separator ; that's far from handy. In my case, having got a lot of UR files, I reverted to insert such a divider line into the default UR file, so that, at least, being in need of such a line, I've got a default of it at least in any given file, instead of having to search for it in other files. Of course, I'm describing here a work-around, for the as-yet missing UR feature "insert divider line", and which would NOT be any such "item", being built up from several Alt 0xxx signs, but which would be a real divider line having the current length of something less than your tree pane's width at that moment, and being shortened and widened with any manual shortening or widening of your tree pane on the screen at any ulterior moment. Please consider this feature whose development should not take a lot of efforts I hope. (And then, it should also be possible to replace all those "manually built" divider lines by the real ones.) |
Unless I am misunderstanding something else you want to accomplish. Jon |
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