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HippyCraig 09-13-2011 02:41 PM

Importing PDF
Most of the time if I move a PFD into UR things are fine. Every once in a while when moving a PDF in it come in with a .book extention added to it. Why is that? Is there a way to prevent it.

kinook 09-13-2011 02:52 PM

I'm not sure--UR itself would not add such an extension. If this is in the item's title, you might try unchecking Tools | Options | Import | Use document title for item title if available (or Use page title option if importing from a web site). If it's in the item's URL attribute, please ZIP and send the original .pdf file and a .urd file with the file imported to Thanks.

HippyCraig 09-14-2011 02:50 PM

I cant upload a UR file with the PDF's at the current time. They might be internal only to my company. I will see if it occurs with another PDF that I can share so you can see the issue, its not with all PDF just every once in a while I encounter that.


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