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pyang 07-01-2004 02:30 AM

Set tables other than Property table

I'm wondering if there is a way to update other tables in wise for windows installer?
The one that is provided is only for Property table.

thank you.

kinook 07-01-2004 07:44 AM

WfWI does not support command-line arguments for updating any other tables (if it did, you could specify them in the additional options field of the Wise action).

You may be able to use its scripting capabilities (Pro/Ent versions, Edit|Macros on the menu or under 'OLE Automation' in the help contents for 5.21) to do this.

pyang 07-02-2004 01:57 AM

I found another way of updating the other tables, which is by exporting them out to an idt file then made the changes and import them back.


wyu 08-16-2005 11:29 AM

I'm trying to edit the Summary table for the windows installer. Is there any means of doing that? I'm unfamilar with the previous poster's solution of exporting & importing of the idt file.

My main purpose for editing the summary table is to auto increment the version number with every build.


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