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kalkito 08-28-2012 03:22 AM

Search text inside pdf files
How can I do this? I tried everything but search only returns the name of the file.

$bill 08-28-2012 05:31 AM

Could this be the reason?

"Parsing text from .pdf files available in the professional edition only."

kalkito 08-28-2012 05:55 AM

I have the pro version.

$bill 08-28-2012 06:31 AM

If I search for text that exists within a pdf file, then UR returns a list of Items- including the pdf containing the text. (of couse this assumes that the word is not just stored as a image)

I don't have UR configured to display or edit pdf files within UR (the default), so if I want to goto the text's location within the Item, I must open the pdf externally and search within the document.

To edit display internally

Am I any closer to being helpful, or do I misunderstand what you are trying to accomplish?

kalkito 08-28-2012 06:55 AM

Thank you for your help.

"If I search for text that exists within a pdf file, then UR returns a list of Items- including the pdf containing the text."

It's just not working with me. Tried many pdf files (mostly articles, text, no doubt about that).

For example, I drag a file to notes, "store contents". Ctrl+shift+s to search, put a word that is present in the pdf. The word is "demand". Result: "0 matching items".

My settings are set to open pdf externally and none of the boxes in quick search is checked.

Apologies for my poor english.

kinook 08-28-2012 07:05 AM

Does it work for this PDF document?

After importing that file, I can search on terms like freelancing, staffing, etc., which are in the document text but not the title.

If you select the parent item of the PDF file you imported and display the Item Text column (F9), that column will show the text (if any) that UR found in the document.

Note that some PDF files aren't parseable for text content. One PDF text parser vendor indicated, "Some PDFs will simply never parse the way you would expect them to for various reasons. There is NO PDF to text converter in the world that can work with every PDF file ever created. Even Adobe itself cannot convert all PDFs to text properly." The PDF parser we use works with most files we have tested, but I believe that if the text in the PDF file is encrypted or stored in a non-standard format, most tools can't parse text from them.

kalkito 08-28-2012 07:11 AM

Still no results. I must be doing something wrong.

kinook 08-28-2012 07:44 AM

Please send the info requested at

kinook 08-28-2012 05:25 PM

Make sure you have .pdf in Tools | Options | Import | File extensions to parse text.

Chaz 01-30-2013 04:22 PM

PDF search -
This seems to go along with this chat a bit, but not identicle.

If I do a search for specific words ie " working directory" that I know exists in a PDF, it retuns "0 found". If I clcik on the PDF, the words are highlighted. How does it know to highlight the words but yet it cant find the document?

kinook 01-30-2013 04:26 PM

Not sure, maybe .pdf wasn't in Tools | Options | Import | File extensions to parse text when the document was imported? Please send the info requested at

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