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ofendt 09-03-2012 06:28 PM

InstallAware NX and file version
Hi... i am very happy with Visual Build ... but now i installed Installaware NX and the miabuild allways ends up with an error. By hand the setup works - so i think they changed some things. :confused:
Could you please verify. Thanks.

I would by extreamly happy if i could find out the Version-Number of a file (i.e. dll) so i can automaticly mark the file-version on a website.

kinook 09-03-2012 07:27 PM

It doesn't look like much has changed on the command-line flags for InstallAware NX, and it works ok in my tests (testing with the Default Project sample). What's the error, and does the miabuild command work outside of Visual Build?

Regarding getting the file version, use the FileSystemObject GetFileVersion method.

ofendt 09-04-2012 10:18 AM

Thanks a lot for the fast replay.

Everythink workes so good that till now i dind't "find out" how to debugg within visual build.

The Problem was that i had to reinstall a NEW license File for Installaware.
And Installaware "DID BAD" because they didn't show any Message and the Main-Programm did work as expected.

So thaks again - i am (sill or even more) happy again!
Oliver :)

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