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Shiamak 04-04-2013 12:41 PM

Best way to manage macro and values in subroutines

I have a set of VBP scripts where I maintain tons of .config type of configurations, evrythings works fine however the configuration are being maintained in Macros and their values depends for what environment the Subroutine is being called for.

Again things seems to work smoothly however when a large chunk of change in configuration needs to be made, I have to make the same change in each sub-routine call and create new macros.. e.g. N numbers of new changes, n number of macros.. which is time consuming.

I was wondering if there are any "industry standards" ways of maintain such info in VPB or if there is anyone out there doing the same thing perhaps easier and smarter way?

kinook 04-04-2013 05:48 PM

Generally, passing in the dynamic values to the subroutine would be preferable to modifying a subroutine when values change.

Shiamak 04-04-2013 05:52 PM

could you please post an example?

kinook 04-04-2013 05:59 PM

1 Attachment(s)
See the attached sample.

Shiamak 04-04-2013 06:06 PM

what param1 ...2 and ..3 implies? are you creating them as "MACROS" on the fly? or they are actual parameters ..e.e.g $1, $2, $3 etc?

if they are actualy parameters then how they are represented within the actual Souroutine?>

Shiamak 04-04-2013 06:17 PM

Ok I get it, this is exactly what I am doing........

I guess I am using the best way possibly that could be used for this kind of operation in VBP

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