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Inno Setup question
I am running Inno Setup Compiler 5.5.4 and am having this problem.
I have the following script: ;================================ ;ISPP logic ;================================ #pragma option -v+ #pragma verboselevel 3 #define AppName "dbAdmin" #pragma message "AppName value is: " + AppName #define AppYear "2014" #pragma message "AppYear value is: " + AppYear #define AppVersion "13.00.00." + Copy(build, 10, Len(build)) #pragma message "AppVersion value is: " + AppVersion #define MajorVersion Copy(AppVersion,1,Pos('.',AppVersion) - 1) #pragma message "MajorVersion value is: " + MajorVersion #define MinorVersion Copy(Copy(AppVersion,Len(MajorVersion + '.') + 1),1,Pos('.',Copy(AppVersion,Len(MajorVersion + '.') + 1)) - 1) #define PatchVersion Copy(Copy(AppVersion,Len(MajorVersion + '.' + MinorVersion + '.') + 1),1,Pos('.',Copy(AppVersion,Len(MajorVersion + '.' + MinorVersion + '.') + 1)) - 1) #define BuildVersion Copy(AppVersion,Len(MajorVersion + '.' + MinorVersion + '.' + PatchVersion + '.') + 1) #define ExeFileName AppName + ".exe" #pragma message "ExeFileName value is: " + ExeFileName #IF Program == "dbAdmin + {#AppYear} + Update Installer" #define OutputBaseFilename "dbAdmin + {#AppYear}" + BuildVersion + '-Update' #pragma message "OutputBaseFilename value is: " + OutputBaseFilename #ELIF Program == "dbAdmin {#AppYear} Full Installer & dbcSMARTsoft Database Upgrade Components" #IF sp == '' #define OutputBaseFilename "dbAdmin + {#AppYear}" + BuildVersion + '-Install-' + version #pragma message "OutputBaseFilename value is: " + OutputBaseFilename #ELSE #define OutputBaseFilename "dbAdmin + {#AppYear}" + BuildVersion + '-Install-' + version + 'sp' + sp #pragma message "OutputBaseFilename value is: " + OutputBaseFilename #ENDIF #ELIF Program == "dbcSMARTsoft Database Upgrade Components" #define ComponentName "dbcSMARTsoft Database Upgrade Components" #pragma message "ComponentName value is: " + ComponentName #define AppDate "December 16, 2013" #pragma message "AppDate value is: " + AppDate #define OutputBaseFilename ComponentName + " (" + AppDate + ")" #pragma message "OutputBaseFilename value is: " + OutputBaseFilename #ELSE #error "Unsupported Program " + Program #ENDIF I added the "AppYear" variable; we want to "brand" this program as "dbAdmin 2014", but the "internal version number" is 13. When I try to do a build, I get this error: File: Z:\Development\dbAdmin 2014\Installer\Source\Common\PreProcessor.inc Line 61: [ISpp] "Unsupported Program " + Program Obviously, I am falling into the final "else" condition. I am quite new to Inno so any assistance would be appreciated. |
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