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pierre 12-19-2013 09:32 AM

Text notes for linked documents?
Some user mentioned a problem with text notes for linked documents. He, and kinook, said when he syncs a linked folder, then renames a document there, then snycs again, the renamed document page (old name) will be placed into the UltraRecall waste bin, together with its text notes, and the renamed document page (new name) will be without those text notes.

My question is, how to do such text notes in the first place? When I click on such a linked document in the tree, I get a blank page with "Click here to open linked document", but this otherwise blank text page does not accept any additional text from me, and the right-click menu just offers the alternatives "Find in item" and "suggestions", so I suppose this otherwise blank page is "secured" in any way, and that for entering text notes here, I would have to switch an option? Where could I find this setting, and will it then work for any such link page, or do I need to reset this setting for any such link page one by one? In the item attributes pane for that item, I do not see any attribute I could reset there, in order to enter text into that page.

Also, I do not really need this "Click here to open linked document" line since I can do this, in an easier way, by "Item - Open Document", from the tree itself, and by a keyboard shortcut; is there a setting to get these link pages without this click line?

kinook 12-19-2013 09:55 AM

I guess you're talking about item notes.

No, there isn't a way to suppress the link to open external.

pierre 12-19-2013 10:30 AM

Oh, I see, so the item itself is just for the link, and any item notes have to be put into an additional pane. I had thought I could enter notes on that almost blank page immediately visible, which would have been the same place as in my other, regular items; I just thought I didn't know how to do it.

The link to the thread I referred to is

Thank you very much for answering, though.

kinook 12-19-2013 10:46 AM

Another option would be to define your own "Note" attribute, create a form that contains that attribute, and assign the attribute to the Form attribute of the Document (or derived) template item. Then your custom attribute will be displayed above the document in the detail area for editing.

pierre 12-19-2013 12:40 PM

Thank you very much for your help.

It took me a while, but I succeeded.

1) I displayed the "Document" template (in the tree, "Templates", then "Document")

2) The I created a user attribute "Comment" ("Item Attributes" pane, then right-click there, and in the right-click menu "Insert" = opens "Insert Item Attribute" dialog)

3) Then I created a new form (which I called "Document"; by "Tools-Forms", prof. version only), with a single 50-line field named "Comment" (you must create the user attribute (2) first in order to be able to then choose it from the attributes list in the "Forms Editor" dialog)

4) As in (1), and then again "Item Attributes" pane, and here entry "Form" (without "value" up to now), for which as its "value" I chose "Document", and this inserted the text box, together with its title "Content", above the regular "Click here..." field in all of my existing "Document" items, and newly created ones are created with it being there from start.

1a) As kinook said, you also could derive a second "Document" template from the original one, and then do all this for that second "Document" version, but the big disadvantage here would be that Ultra Recall would then create automatic link documents, by sync, from the original template, without the additional field.

And I would like to add that by this, I finally learned how to insert forms into templates, which opens up many possibilities.

Problem solved, thank you very much again, kinook!

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