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wordmuse 08-19-2015 12:09 PM

Using SQLite
After buying a new computer, I need to change the attribute of hundreds of local URLs to match the path on my computer.

I am trying to understand what is written here:

But I don't understand it.

If my old path was something like:

and the new path is

I get that I'm supposed to use this command with SQLLite:


Change an absolute path in all URL item attributes to a relative path:

UPDATE ItemAttribute SET Value = Replace(Value, 'D:\MyFolder\', '') WHERE AttributeID = 996 AND Value LIKE 'D:\MyFolder\%';


So what would be the exact command I'm supposed to use? Where do "olduser" and "currentuser" go in this command?

And hitting the nail on the head: this would do the replacing in the URL attribute?

- Bal

kinook 08-19-2015 12:22 PM

Yes, the command updates the URL attribute. That command converts an absolute path to a relative one by removing the D:\MyFolder\ prefix on paths like D:\MyFolder\abc\xyz.txt to be just abc\xyz.txt -- if the .urd file is in D:\MyFolder, UR will handle the relative path abc\xyz.txt automatically so that it won't have to be changed if the .urd file and linked files in that folder or subfolder are moved.

If you actually want to replace one absolute path with a different absolute path, use something like the next command (Change all URLs...) to do the replacement:

UPDATE ItemAttribute SET Value = 'c:\currentuser' || substr(Value, 10, 2000) WHERE AttributeID = 996 AND Value LIKE 'c:\olduser%';

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