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mvermeulen 08-12-2004 11:02 AM

Parent - Child Conditional Step Ignored
I am trying to setup a conditional step that checks for the existence of a folder and if true, it skips all of the child steps. Current execution evaluates the conditional rule just fine but it executes the child anyway.

Here is the conditional step:

[NOT vbld_FSO.FolderExists("%fiservcbspath%\%appname1%\%appversion1%\%instname %\CommunicatorErrors")]
Check for existence of CommunicatorErrors folder and create if doesn't exist
Create Error Folders

This is the child:

%doscmd% md %fiservcbspath%\%appname1%\%appversion1%\%instname %\CommunicatorErrors
[NOT vbld_FSO.FolderExists("%fiservcbspath%\%appname1%\%appversion1%\%instname %\CommunicatorErrors")]

Thank you!

kinook 08-12-2004 12:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Do you have 'Tools | Application Options | General | Implement nesting of conditional build rules' unchecked? If so, it needs to be checked (the default) for build rules to apply to child steps.

Here is a similar test that works as expected here. The first build has this result:

8/12/2004 10:47:40 AM: --------------------Starting Build: 'exists.bld'--------------------
8/12/2004 10:47:41 AM: Building project step 'Check for folder'...
8/12/2004 10:47:41 AM: Building project step 'make dir'...
8/12/2004 10:47:41 AM: Building project step 'msg'...
8/12/2004 10:47:41 AM: Build successfully completed.

Rebuilding the project has this result:

8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: --------------------Starting Build: 'exists.bld'--------------------
8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: Building project step 'Check for folder'...
8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: Step skipped
8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: Building project step 'make dir'...
8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: Step skipped
8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: Building project step 'msg'...
8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: Step skipped
8/12/2004 10:47:46 AM: Build successfully completed.

Compare this with what you're doing and see what's different. Also be aware that using Rebuild Selected/Test ignores build rules:

mvermeulen 08-12-2004 01:18 PM

The option is checked "Implement nesting of conditional build rules". The result of running the steps is as follows:

Building project step 'Folder Structure'...
Building project step 'Create Error Folders'...
Building project step 'CommunicatorErrors'...
A subdirectory or file C:\FiservCBS\Communicator\420\INTG01\CommunicatorE rrors already exists.

Process completed with exit code 1
Step 'CommunicatorErrors' failed
Build ended.

Is there any issue here with the way that the steps are executed? Does the "rebuild selected" have any issues?

kinook 08-13-2004 07:16 AM

Also be aware that using Rebuild Selected/Test ignores build rules:

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