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ark014 03-10-2016 04:46 PM

Enhanced Zip Files action not saving password
When we use Visual Build Pro's Enhanced Zip action with its Password field filled out, we find the zip file, after creation, is not password protected.

We're using Visual Build Pro version 8.7. We are hoping the problem is solvable in this version of Visual Build Pro - if not, please recommend a newer version.

a) Step type used: "Enhanced Zip File"

b) Compression method: "Deflate"

c) Compression factor: 5

d) Password field is populated with all digits

e) Encryption Method: PKZIP 2.0-compatible

f) Most other tabs & fields were left at their defaults.

kinook 03-10-2016 08:22 PM

There's a bug -- when 'PKZIP 2.0-compatible' is selected, it does not encrypt the ZIP file, and when '128-bit AES' is selected, it encrypts PKZIP 2.0-compatible.

This is fixed in the latest v9 release.

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