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ahouriet 09-22-2016 09:07 AM

Error with get after HTTP post
We are using a POST command to upload a file and send some other properties to our server, over https. We get the result back into a macro for later use.

This has been working in an older version of VBPro, I'm pretty sure it was an 8.x version.

It looks like the latest version we have (9.2) throws an error on this step after everything completes: "Error getting data: Invalid handle passed to function".

Here's a truncated log of the process, I chopped out a lot of the inner transfer entries:


Connecting to HTTPS server 'xxxx.xxxxx.xxxxxx' on port 443 -> /buildapi/build/createversion?build_key=3WCN6-7QRER-7N254-QLG3E-6DP6L-5&version_id=66&product_id=6&version=4.0.13&release_notes=release notes text&send_emails=true
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: started thread 0x1408 trace on 09-22-2016 09:24:33 Windows x86-6.1.7601 [8.0.8050.2538]
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0010 INF: getaddrinfo(0x440f450 [], 0x0 [], 0x440f140, 0x440f13c) returned 0
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: socket(2, 1, 6) returned 1296
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: ioctlsocket(1296, 0x8004667e, 0x440f18c) returned 0
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0010 WRN: connect(1296, 0x440f198 []:443, 16) returned -1 [10035]
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0030 INF: ioctlsocket(1296, 0x8004667e, 0x440f18c) returned 0
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: send(1296, 0x231f38, 48, 0) returned 48
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0040 INF: recv(1296, 0x7ba0058, 65536, 0) returned 4412
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: send(1296, 0x3370ef8, 340, 0) returned 340
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0040 INF: recv(1296, 0x7ba0058, 65536, 0) returned 75
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0010 INF: send(1296, 0x7c82f68, 373, 0) returned 373
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: Encrypted buffer of 344 bytes
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: send(1296, 0x7c84ff8, 181, 0) returned 181
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: Encrypted buffer of 154 bytes
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: send(1296, 0x7c82ff0, 29, 0) returned 29
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: Encrypted buffer of 2 bytes
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: send(1296, 0x7c82ff0, 269, 0) returned 269

/// lots of lines removed here...

VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: Decrypted buffer of 1 bytes
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: Decrypted buffer of 1 bytes
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: Decrypted buffer of 1 bytes
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: Decrypted buffer of 1 bytes
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: Decrypted buffer of 1 bytes
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: Decrypted buffer of 1 bytes
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: Decrypted buffer of 1 bytes
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: ioctlsocket(1296, 0x8004667e, 0x440efa0) returned 0
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: Decrypted buffer of 4 bytes
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: ioctlsocket(1296, 0x8004667e, 0x440f064) returned 0
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0000 INF: send(1296, 0x75433b8, 29, 0) returned 29
VISBUILDPRO 1408 0010 INF: closesocket(1296) returned 0

Error getting data: Invalid handle passed to function

From the server side everything seems fine, the file makes it, the data is all there, no errors logged, etc. It seems like VBPro just thinks something went wrong.

Is there any other data/info I can provide to assist?


kinook 09-22-2016 09:30 AM

When using a Put of 'Post file' along with a Get, these are two separate server calls (only with 'Post form data' and Get is the response from the post request captured in a single server call). This was the case even in v8, but there is a problem with this combination of commands in v9, because the connection is not kept open in between, so it's not valid when it tries to get. To resolve, you can just put these in separate HTTP steps (or skip the get if not needed).

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