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cnewtonne 01-03-2017 12:14 PM

Filter tree while preserving hierarchy
I often use UR for presentation. Each info item is a slide. Same presentation may have different audience. Thus, I may have to modify the tree depending on the audience.

I can create a custom-key/tag or may be use different flags for each presentation/audience. I can then search for a specific tag. However, the search result does not preserve the hierarchy. Info items get flattened.

The hierarchy itself is a significant part of what is being presented. It allows me to show relationships and an overall summary.

How can I can filter the tree to have it show items with same tag/flag, yet preserve the hierarchy?


kinook 01-03-2017 01:02 PM

It isn't possible to filter the tree in that way, but you can show and sort on the Hierarchy and Tree Order system attributes / columns in search results to display the hierarchy there.

cnewtonne 01-03-2017 01:47 PM

I'll try it.
Will the sorted search results show tree indentations?


kinook 01-03-2017 01:55 PM

The Lineage column will show the tree hierarchy. This is also an Indent Level attribute that can be displayed.

cnewtonne 01-03-2017 01:58 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'am unable to make sense of how UR is ordering the items using TREE ORDER / INDENT LEVEL.
Could not get it to sort to match the tree.

What am I missing?

cnewtonne 01-03-2017 02:04 PM

One other way to do this is by selectively linking items to each presentation. It almost worked, but linking an item will cause all its children to show as well.

I see you have an option to 'copy single'. Is there not a 'link single' option?


kinook 01-03-2017 02:05 PM

You need to show the Lineage column and sort on Lineage first and Tree Order second (hold down Ctrl when clicking second column).

kinook 01-03-2017 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by cnewtonne (Post 21528)
One other way to do this is by selectively linking items to each presentation. It almost worked, but linking an item will cause all its children to show as well.

I see you have an option to 'cop single'. Is there not a 'link single' option?


No -- a link is just a pointer to an item, which by definition includes its children.

cnewtonne 01-03-2017 02:18 PM

Still, not working ...

Tried the 4 combination ...

1) lineage asc / tree order asc
2) lineage asc / tree order desc
3) lineage desc / tree order asc
4) lineage desc / tree order asc

None showed results to match tree.

kinook 01-03-2017 02:51 PM

Yeah, I guess that doesn't accomplish what you're trying to do.

Another way might be to mark the items that should be excluded from the second audience as Completed, then hide completed items when presenting to that audience.

cnewtonne 01-03-2017 03:26 PM

'completed' flag does it. Albeit, I have to flag items every time audience changes. Is there a way to show/hide other flags too?


kinook 01-03-2017 03:35 PM

No, but it's something to consider adding.

kinook 05-07-2017 08:51 PM

In 5.3, the flags to be hidden can be configured via Tools | Flags.

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